NegMare Part 2

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Requested by MelissaC4000

This is after PositivePlague Part 2

I can't help but to make Negative the innocent one!


Nightmare smiled as he plays with Negative's hair, it was soft as it was years ago and a bit longer than what he remembers. The fact that this was the same Steve he fell in love with, with the same personality and looks just made the former Red Steve heart jump for joy as they can pick up from where they left off. Just this time Nightmare can protect Negative from his so called 'brother' who always took advantage of his older brother's loyalty and want to make him happy; everyone thought Negative was the cold hearted one but it was always the younger of the brothers. The thought of how Positive used his own brother angered Nightmare even when he was Red.

A groan from Negative made Nightmare snap out of his thoughts and realized how hard he was holding his love. Soon golden eyes met with dark red eyes.

"Possy?" Negative muttered, not realizing those red eyes don't belong to his brother but to the Nightmare King.

The king frowned and pushed the blonde's bangs away from his face, "No love"

Negative furrow his eyebrows as he tries to recall who else had red eyes, "Red Bear?"

Now that, that was something Nightmare couldn't be upset at, he adored that name the blonde gave him. Such an innocent name. 

"I would love if you called me that Neggy, it was such a cute nickname you had for me"

Apparently that sentence made everything click since Negative's eyes widened and tried to get away from Nightmare only to fail as his capturer is stronger than him. 

"Let go of me!" Negative struggle, "Let me go now!" 

"Love calm down, you're going to hurt yourself" Nightmare said.

The blonde continue to struggle and shouted for him to be let go only to find his former love readjusted their position so he was sitting on Nightmare's lap. Nightmare held Negative's wrist behind his back while the other was used to caress Negative's face. The touch had a familiar warm that made Negative stop and wanted to lean into yet the unknown coldness stopped him from doing so. Before the blonde had stopped struggling, Nightmare whispered for him to calm down, that he wasn't going to hurt him.

Calming down just enough, Negative swallowing the lump in his throat then asked, "Wh-Where's my br-brother?"

"You don't need to worry about him," Nightmare cooed then pressed light kisses on the back of his neck making Negative stiffen, "all that matters is you and me right now love"

Pushing down the urge to groan along with any caring that Nightmare use to be his boyfriend, Negative turned his head and growled growled, "Where is he? Where's Positive?! Where's my brother?!"

Nightmare glared at the Steve below him, "Love, I suggest you don't think about him right now, I want your thoughts to be of us. Just you and me"

"My thoughts are on my brother and how to get out of here only!" Negative shouted, his anger flowing over, "You're not my Red! You're just a monster who just enjoys making others suffer for your own gain! I want my brother, I want my Red Bear, I want to go home!"

By the end of the blonde's screaming, he was out of breath. It's been years since Negative lost his temper, usually it tasks a lot more and was used as a rock to help mentally sustain so many. The only things that cause his over flow of temper is due to the fact his brother is elsewhere with a Steve that will do who knows what, one of his best friends is dead, and his boyfriend has been consumed with darkness and took so many lives since he last say him.

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