(2) FavremyOrange Part 3

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I realized I put Purple, it was suppose to be Violet. Inspired by fan art on discord that my gallery is filled with.

The next part will be in Mature

Warning: violent and poor Sabre


Sabre woke up a few hours later, not that he knows, and noticed that he was still tied up in the Orange put him in. The only thing different was not feeling something over his mouth. That was only good thing in this situation. Not wasting anytime, Sabre struggle to get out of his bindings while thinking about Orange.

'Why is he acting this way?' Sabre thought, 'He was fine earlier, before we went to the Violet town, what change?'

Soon Sabre freed himself from his bindings, at the same time he heard a door opening. Quickly, Sabre hid behind an indented corner (IDK). Covering his mouth to prevent Orange from hearing him.

"Oh my lovely Sabre!~ Where are you?" Orange giggled, but it sent shiver down Sabre's spine, "Are we playing a game of hide and seek? Okay then I'll come and find you! Tehee!~" 

The brunet heard Orange exiting the room and took that as his chance to get away. As quiet yet as fast as he could, he went to where Orange exit, checking that the Steve was not waiting there before leaving. After making sure the coast was clear, Sabre ran for one of the open portals. He was so close until Orange appeared in front of him making him stop in his tracks. 

"There you are Sabre" Orange smiled softly and walk to the brunet. 

Sabre backed away as Orange got closer, this time he listen to the voice telling him to get away.

"I got worried when you went missing, then I realized you wanted to play a game." He giggled, "And I found you so I win"

"O-Orange, please stay away, something is wrong with you" Sabre tried to reason.

"Nothing is wrong with me Sabre" Orange smiled, "I'm fine though I want my prize"

"Prize? What prii-" Sabre tripped over his own two feet fell on his bum and in an instant, Orange was on top of him.

"My prize for winning this game of hide and seek" Orange informed, "So, what do I get?"

Sabre tried to scoot away but couldn't when the Steve sat on him then intertwine their fingers together.

"Since you can't think of one, I'll decide" 

"Wait, Orange, I'm-" Sabre was stopped when Orange forced him into a kiss.

Struggling did nothing for Sabre's situation and the Steve made sure to claim every section of his little hope's mouth, enjoying the sweet taste of him. Orange deepened the kiss, swallowing every struggle breath that Sabre made. After five minutes or so, Orange pulled away knowing that the human needed to breath before passing out, which he didn't want as he wants to play with him.

"O-Orange" Sabre panted, "P-Please s-stop"

"Why would I do that?" Orange ask then rubbed Sabre's cheek knowing that he was too out of breath to do anything else, "I just want to show you how much I love you."

The orange-haired eyes trailed down Sabre's neck, his untouched, unmark neck to his clothed shoulder hiding the same thing. Feeling the desire overwhelm him, Orange bit down on Sabre's shoulder, hard. Sabre screamed feeling the Steve's teeth going through his shirt, into his shoulder. Getting the fabric in between his teeth, Orange ripped it off to see the bite mark he made before leaning down to create more. There was something about Sabre screaming that made him make more marks on him, biting hard enough to draw blood and to leave scars on the untough skin.

"S-Stop" Sabre cried, "P-Please stop"

Orange lick the blood away from his mouth, "Why? You look so beautiful with the mark I made" He kissed the bites he made, making Sabre whimper.

Going near his ear, the Steve whispered, "And I know where else they can go"

Sabre gasped when he felt a hand on his thigh.

"Right there, I'm going to make you scream until you lose your voice. I'm going to mark you all up so that no one will try to claim you though, you won't see anyone besides me"

Between the fear and pain he was in, Sabre started to cry, some of the tears slipped pass his bandanna which Orange happily kissed away.

"Don't cry little hope" Orange said in between kisses, "I'll take great care of you, but first"

Orange pulled something out of his pocket: a long ribbon. First he tied Sabre's wrists together before getting off to tie his ankles, but before he could, Sabre kicked him before scrambling to get up and away. Recovering quickly, Orange grabbed Sabre's ankle then pull him back onto the ground. Since his hands were tied, Sabre couldn't stop from falling on his face luckily he didn't get anything more than face hurting.

"Sabre" Orange growled, "Why did you try to run? Don't you love me?"

"I don't, please Orange stop!" Sabre cried out begging, "You're scaring me!"

"You...don't love me?" Orange said, shook ran through him. 

Orange had thought Sabre felt the same way as him, that he needed a push to admit his feelings. Instead, Sabre doesn't, he doesn't love him. Something crack inside of him, he felt something run through him that told him to take the brunet and repeatedly claim him as his until Sabre submits to him.

Sabre felt his breath hitch, he saw that Orange's eyes were not longer a light orange, but a bit darker with a bit of purple in them.

"Oh Sabre, my lovely Sabre" Orange pulled out the axe he always carried, "You're going to love me, even if I have to force you"

A scream ripped through Sabre's mouth feeling the Steve stabbed on of his legs.

"You won't leave me, not now, not ever." Orange then stabbed Sabre's thigh, making him scream even more.

Feeling satisfied knowing that Sabre couldn't ever leave him, Orange healed the brunet so he wouldn't bleed out and lessen the pain. Going back to what he was doing before being interrupted, Orange tied Sabre's ankles together. As for Sabre, he just wants to get away, away from Orange or whoever this Steve is.

"There we go" Orange smiled at his work, "The prefect present all wrapped up, just waiting for me to see what's underneath."

Gentle, the Steve picked up Sabre, minding his injuries and carried him back to the room he had the human in before.

"Orange" Sabre whimpered, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you, your my little hope" Orange said, "You are not ready for this world as you are too good for it, to pure for it"

"Then why did you hurt me?"

"I care for you, in order to protect you, I must make sure you won't run. Running will put you in danger" Orange glance at Sabre's injuried leg, "At least I know you won't be able to run"

The Steve kissed Sabre's head, "I can't want to have you, then you'll see how much I love you then you will love me just as much"

Sabre look away, he was out of options: he couldn't run, no one can get here, no one knows where this place was. What happens to him was up to Orange and he was scared.


Word count: 1243

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