ShyLeader Part 3

388 9 5

Requested by MariMarionette65ashobeanitoStarsins2MeadowSteveLavender_VoiceFavremyOrange

I got one 5, two 10, one 4, one 8 and one 9 so you know where this will go.

Sorry if this doesn't seem as sad as it's been some time. Orange and Citrine are not brothers, it's something I thought before Orange's origins were revealed.


Sabre and Orange came back from saving the Orange Steves from the Nightmare King's clutches. Currently Funny, Citrine and Shy are with their two saviors in the Rainbow Hub, deciding on ways to defeat the Darkness, so far no one had an idea. That was until Orange noticed how quite Sabre has become.

"Sabre? Are you alright?"

"Hmm?" Sabre turned his attention to his friend, "Oh, sorry, I'm fine. I thought of a solution, or a temporary one at least. We can take a bit of each crystals' powers to create a new on and infuse that with a Steve. Then that Steve can hold back the Darkness until we can summon the hero" Sabre said then thought, 'But I'm worried about the side effects'

"That sounds like a great plan, but will it work? No one has ever extracted a crystal's power" Citrine said.

"I don't know if it'll even work or not but we need to try." Sabre said as though he was trying to convince himself as much as the Steves.

"We can see if we can make the crystal first and go from there" Funny suggested.

"Let's do that then" Orange said as he took out the Orange Crystal.

While Sabre and Orange built the machine, the three Orange Steves watched nearby. Citrine was talking to the two about who should be fused with the new crystal. Of course the Orange Leader volunteer himself to which Funny argued against as the rest of the Orange Steves need their leader and suggest that he could. The two went back and forth one who should do it, bringing different Steves into the mix including the Yellow, Green and Violet Steves. Blue Steves aren't able to stay in the world for long, Indigo Steves have the in between to watch over, and Red Steves have pretty much disappeared. Shy watch as the two debate before speaking up.

"U-Um, C-Citrine" Shy spoke up, "M-Maybe I can?"

Citrine looked at his boyfriend, confused along with Funny.

"M-Maybe I can be f-fused with the crystal?" Shy explained then looked down, biting his lip.

Funny smiled a bit, he knows that Shy is downplayed just about everyone, including him and Citrine at one point or another. All he wants to do is to show that he's as strong as anyone. When they were against the Nightmare King and the Darkness, none bothered to mess with Shy and just pushed him away; that just bruised his pride even further. 

As much as Funny like that Shy is showing some courage, he doesn't think he was the right person. The same goes with Citrine, he didn't think that was a good idea, not because Shy was his boyfriend but the Steve needed to be someone who is strong mentally and physically wise.

"Sorry Shy, but I don't think that's a good idea. Someone stronger would probably a better fit" Citrine placed a hand on Shy's shoulder

Funny nodded, "I have to agree, sorry Shy but this has to be thought out carefully for who should be chosen."

If the shortest Steve was looking up then the two would have seen the hurt and sadness in his eyes. Before the conversation could go any further, Sabre called them over just as Orange finished placing the redstone. After crystals were placed in the chests, Sabre flipped the switch and quickly ran off when lightning struck which the Steves laughed at. Once the lightning stopped, the human came back then he and Orange check the chest to see what they were after: the White Crystal.

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