Our Little Boy

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Requested by Alphawolf00001

Note: GS is God of all Steves. I don't like just putting 'God' for no particular reason.

When given plots, I tend to do them first as I have an idea on how to do them and they tend to be longer, sometimes by a lot. Also yes I reuse names: like I'll use Dan and Morgan for parent names.


In the depths of the ocean lived a group of sea creatures called Sirens. These creatures are like Mermaids, however, they use their hypnotizing voice to attract people who go across the ocean before devouring them. There was a small family containing a father, son, and mother who were considered the strongest of the group and were almost treated as royalty out of fear and admiration. The father and son were ruthless as they would attack and devour any creature, whether human or another supernatural, they can. As for the mother, she was gentle and kind, the complete opposite of the rest of her small family. The mother was the only one who could tame the beasts within her husband and son; however, she desired to have another child. Unfortunately, she was unable to do so, so she did the next best thing: find a child. 

One day, she found a little boy who she fell in love with and adore. The parents of the boy were skeptical when they first saw her, but when they seen that the Siren meant no harm, they allowed for her to baby their son under watch filled eyes. The mother never told her husband or son, worried about the boy's safety. The secret didn't last long as her son followed her one day and seen how she interacted with the small human. Of course he told his father who was surprisingly happy, he seen how lonely his wife was when they were away so this was good for her.

The father and son ventured up to see the boy their wife/mom was with only to see something horrible: the female laying on a beach with a bunch of hunters around her, a family (mom and dad) yelling at them and a child crying. The family of three were escorted from the scene by people in uniforms.

Outraged that hose men just killed their wife/mom and used their ability from birth to lure the men into the water before killing all of them. Afterwards they vowed to take back the one person who made their love one happy and granted her one wish. Nothing was going to stop them from getting the child.

Nothing was going to stop them from getting their little boy.


Three years later

A family of four had moved from the city to a beach. The family consist of a mom -Morgan -, dad - Dan -, and their 5 year old son, Andy. The fourth member is the dad's sister's son, Shark, an eight year old boy. As a favor from Dan's sister, he and his wife would watch over their nephew while his parents deal with business in another state over the summer.

As of now, the cousins were playing on near the water with the adults watching a few feet away where they had their little set up. Shark was teaching his cousin how to make a sand castle with some difficulty.

"Alright Andy, slowly life the bucket up" Shark said, watching his cousin carefully.

The younger did as told, only to pull it up quickly at the last minute causing some of the top to crumble. The brunet signed, finally after so many tries, the castle stayed up.

"Good job Andy" Shark smiled.

The younger smiled brightly, "Thank you" Then turned to his parents, "Mommy, daddy, look"

"That's nice Andy" Morgan said, "We're about to go in ten minutes, have everything picked up"

"Yes mom/auntie" The cousins said and Shark gathered their stuff while Andy got up to pick up the stuff near the water. 

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