Lost Love Part 7

372 8 1

Requested by MariMarionette65

For those who thought Lucas said Sabre, no, I have decided that they are cousins. And the previous SabreLucas oneshots were before this decision was made.


"It's-" Lucas glanced behind Sabre to see Faceless and Rainbow looking at him.

The blonde looked away, not able to look at either of them for what they have done to him and since one of them he still loves.

"Lu" Sabre said softly, "Who is it?"

Lucas look Sabre in the eyes, hoping the other would understand what he wants to say in words. His hopes were answered when his cousin smiled.

"If you are sure, I don't want your heart to be any more broken" Sabre said, "You're the only family I have left, I don't want you to get hurt"

"I'm sure Sabre"

"Alright, I'll leave them to you" Sabre hugged Lucas then left the room, not before sending a warning look at the two entities.

Once the brunet left, Rainbow and Faceless turned back to Lucas who was about to speak if Faceless hadn't cut him off.

"Lucas, before you say anything, that time Rainbow was here, it was me. I wanted you to believe that he didn't love you any more so I had a chance at winning your heart" Faceless said honestly, "I'm sorry for causing your heartbreak. Along with replacing you for my wife, but do know, I love you."

"And I to apologize as well" Rainbow spoke, "I shouldn't have asked you out after asking Sabre just weeks ago. I do love you, but I didn't think about what Sabre felt when I moved on so quickly"

It's true, Lucas seen it in Sabre's eyes: the hurt seeing how someone who loved him, moved on so quickly.

"It's okay you two, even though what you've done was wrong. Rainbow, you hurt Sabre more than me, I can tell through his eyes"

Rainbow look down, he didn't know he hurt Sabre, he seemed fine with him and Lucas dating. Well, that should have been his first hint: Sabre is never fine.

"Rainbow, can I talk to Faceless alone?"

"Yeah, I need to make it up to Sabre anyways"

"Good, even though he says he forgives you, continue to do so until he laughs. That's when things are fine"

"Alright and Lucas?"


"Can we still be friends?"

"Of course"

Rainbow smiled then left leaving Faceless and Lucas alone.

"Lucas I-"

"Faceless" It was Lucas' turn to interrupt, "everything is fine between us, but why did you want to replace your wife with me?"

"Because you were so much like her, looks and personality."

"I guess you called her the 'blonde beauty' "

"No" Faceless chuckled, "that's my nickname for you. You are truely beautiful"

Lucas blushed a bit, "R-Really?"

"Yeah, when I admitted that you were not her in no sense, I decided that a cutie like you deserves a nickname"

"S-Stop" Lucas covered his face.

"Awe, you love and you know it"

"You're not wrong"

Faceless chocked a bit, "W-What?"

Lucas look down, "I still love you"


The blonde smiled, walk over and kissed Faceless on the check, "Yes, yes I do"

"I-I love you too" Faceless pulled Lucas into a hug which the blonde gladly returned, "I love you, my beauty"


Word count: 525

Requests remaining: 25

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