FavreRainbowSpike Part 2

590 9 11

Requested by EndQueenFavreMyOrangeAnxiousEmoBean

You know, I ship Sabre and Dark while Dark and Plague have a brotherly bond as my first option, but if it's something else than it's Dark and Plague I ship. I don't know why.

A little date idea if a third part is wanted? 


"Nightmare?!" The trio shouted in surprise.

"What are you doing here?!" Sabre shouted.

Before Nightmare could speak, the door to the room was kick open by an angry/flustered Dark dragging a smirking Plague. Dark shoved Plague into a corner before hiding behind the corrupted Yellow Steve. 

"Oh come on Darky~ we were having so much fun~" Plague purred.

"For the love of Notch, Nightmare please smash that potion bottle on his head!" Dark begged.

Complying to the black Steve's request, Nightmare threw a splash potion at Plague who then fell to the ground. Dark then went to the passed out Steve's side to see if he was fine while the trio stared in confusion on what on Minecraftian is going on. Before words could from in anyone's mouth, Plague groaned then sat up, rubbing his head.

"Why does it feel like I was hit by a ravager?" Plague opened his eyes and seen the attention was on him, "Uhhh, did I miss something?"

"Yes you did you big idiot!" Dark spat out, "What were you thinking?! Testing potions that we found in a random chest on the humans than yourself!"

Lucas than perked up, "Wait, I remember now! "Points at Plague* You threw a potion at Sabre and I!"

"What did it do by the way?" Sabre asked, "I can't remember anything, only 'waking up' to see Rainbow on the ground with a bloody nose and us standing over him"

Plague rubbed the back of his neck, "You see, I don't remember either, I just tripped and the potion splashed all over me"

"I can explain" Nightmare said and the attention was turned on him, "From what I seen, the potion makes anyone who was affected wanting the one who they love the most. Sabre and Lucas fought over Rainbow's affection and were treating each other as though they weren't the best friends they've been for years. Plague was pinned after Dark for so long and that potion made him more....needy is the best thing I can think of"

"Wait, so if the potion makes you want the person you love  the most, does that mean Sabre and Lucas love me?" Rainbow asked, not really thinking of what he asked until afterwards when he blushed.

The humans looked away, blushing as well.

"Oh~ A threesome, that sounds fun!" Plague grinned then pulled Dark close to him, "Maybe we should get in on that action~"

(I don't know why but reading that line made me think of Deadpool)

Dark rolled his eyes and pushed the Steve away, "There isn't even a twosome, now I apologize on behalf of this idiot and to let you know, we're not going to do anything for a few weeks"

"Yeah, the dark prince here won't be able to do anything when I get done with him" Plague smirk.

The moment Plague spoke is when Sabre covered Rainbow's ears and Lucas hissed out,

"Not in front of our Rainbean"

The Nightmare King shook his head, "We'll be off now, have a nice few weeks off. If Plague dumps another potion or something on any of you, come and get me, please for your and several others sake"

"Can we leave this idiot else where?" Dark ask annoyed as Plague trapped him in his arms, "Preferable in a pit of lava"

"Hey! I'm your idiot and hot as is! Lava won't do anything to me cutie"

"Well I'm not the one who likes to ruin an innocent's mind with this stuff so we'll be leaving" Nightmare said, "Also, Sabre, Lucas, there's a beach nearby and the sun will set within an hour, just thought I let you know"

With a snap from Nightmare's fingers, he and the other two teleported out of the room leaving the trio in silence. All still were red in the face now that Rainbow knew his two best friends have a crush on him along with some of the stuff Plague said. Sabre and Lucas look at each other, taking a small glances at Rainbow before looking away.

"So, um, h-how long?" Rainbow asked, breaking the silence.

"Around the time we started to build the Rainbow Town" Sabre said followed by Lucas saying, "The first night you helped me when I had a panic attack."

"Th-That long?" Rainbow's red-eyes widened.

Lucas nodded then chuckled, "We didn't need to tell each other, it was pretty obvious that we had a crush on you, no matter how hard either of us tried to hide it"

"I-I didn't notice"

Sabre rubbed his neck, "Yeah, didn't help when I confess to Faceless when he was disguise as you then told Ghost and that string keeps going until everyone heard it."

After laughing at the brunet's story, the room became quiet for a solid minute.

"Out of curiosity, when were you going to tell me?"

"Well" Lucas started, "We were going to confess at the same time"

"But when one was ready the other became nervous so that happened" Sabre finished, "You know what, secret is out so might as well do this!"

Sabre held one of Rainbow's hand.

"Rainbow, you are the nicest and best Steve we ever knew. You the first Steve I and Lucas befriended and we want to be with you"

Lucas held Rainbow's other hand, "We want to be more than best friends, we want to be with you for the rest of our lives"

"So will you be our boyfriend?!" 


Word count: 947

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