BossSharkBow Part 5

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Requested and prompt by Mightymiss

Prompt: after the big party the is a short moment we're Shark is alone, one of the high rank servant come and tell him about the yan potion ( he is secretly work with the criminal) and Shark believes him because of his rank Shark think he is Trustworthy. Shark sit in their room waiting for rain and boss, he mad and broken and think they're just use if him. Boss and rain come and the start fighting over it, and Shark then brought up his dad use him when his mom wasn't home (that why he only has mom and brother.) Shark being stress also make them stress and end up almost kill them. The doctor get call to get a shot to Shark to calm him and help them and make sure their alive. Shark now has under even stricter rule and rain and bow plan to use the frisbee potion (forever potion) one them is developed anfof or after them a aperd.

Boss' parents: Dan and Morgan (Go to parent names, idk why)
Rainbow's parents: GS and Laura (Don't worry Laura is decent in this one, well she )

No more parts unless prompt us given


About a few weeks have passed since Shark got kidnapped and acknowledged Rainbow and Boss as the new kings. The three spent that time together; no royal duties, no guards, no one but the three of them. Saying Shark is afraid of them turned false after seeing how caring the two were and finally accepted them as his husbands which the sea creatures reacted by showering the halfa with kisses and cuddles for the rest of the day. 

On the days when the future kings were forced away from their precious Luna, their parents kept him company, mainly Dan who wanted to protect Shark from developing royal habits. This worked out in the long run as Shark felt more relax around the older siren then the rest of his in-laws. Besides, he could relate more to Dan as he was a commoner until he got married and became king. Dan once said he would go back to his old life if it wasn't for the wonderful wife or amazing son he has.

As of now the royal family are in the dining room, talking about the upcoming ceremony to crown Boss and Rainbow as the new kings. Rainbow's parents, Rainbow, Morgan and Boss were going over details of the ceremony, mainly on where it should be done at: at the Siren's castle or the Mermaid's. Each were suggested for different reasons and it couldn't be decided until Dan stepped in.

"How about the ceremony at the Acqua?" The siren king suggested, "That's where my parents and siblings got married and went to celebrate special occasions"

Everyone looked at him.

"This is why I married this siren" Morgan smiled then swam over to kiss her husband, "That's a wonderful idea honey!"

"Agree with you there," GS nodded along with his wife and sons.

"What's Acqua?" Shark asked.

"It's a really old building that served as the center point of the two kingdoms before we went to war. Thankfully, the area around and itself was known as the holy land so no killing was permitted. The building has amazing glass work made by Blue and Red, two of the best designers and their descendants carry one that legacy" Dan then went on rambling the history of Acqua, those who were involved and a whole bunch of stuff.

"Dad!" Boss shouted, getting the other to stop.

"Ehhh, sorry" Dan rubbed his neck sheepishly, "I love history and wanted to be a history teacher before finding out my girlfriend was the siren princess"

Shark became interested, "Really? My cousin is majoring in history in college, well he's majoring in everything, but he tells us random facts when he visits. Now that I think about it, Acqua sounds like something he mentioned once"

You Decide - Steve Saga(3) & Rainbow QuestDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora