OriginSabre *Part 3

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Origin Steve x FavremySabre

Requested by DarkBlossom27

Also for those who wanted a part 3 for OriginSabre in the Book 2: EndQueen, Lavender_Voice, GamingKitten847  here you go.

* means this is a continuation of a part in a different book


Previously, on OriginSabre

"No. I told you, you're going to rule beside me no matter what, even if I have to erase your memories of every Steve ever loved and care for" Origin threatened, "So will you cooperate?" 

Sabre hated Origin, he hated him so much. His memories are everything to him, they're the only thing he has in reminder of all the Steves who were his friends. The brunette regretted the next words that came out of him mouth so much.

"I accept"

Origin grinned then attach his lips to Sabre's. Oh how long he want to taste those sweet lips of the human. Sabre squirmed, but forced himself to relax, he had to complied or else his memories are good as gone.

Origin pulled back licking him lips, "You taste so good Sabre, I can't wait for you to become mine" The Steve pulled the bandanna off Sabre's face, "And no one can stop me, not even you"

"B-But I-"

"You say you accept me because I threaten you." Origin buried his head in Sabre's neck, "You'll accept me, willingly. You'll learn to love me soon enough, we have all the time in the world"

Tears flowed down Sabre's face as he closed his eyes accepting his fate.


Two years had passed since that day Sabre accepted his fate to rule beside Origin and over the Steves. It took no time for any unwilling groups to fall under their control, those who gave in were freed and those who refused received punishment until the Steve submits or they take their final breath. Word quickly spread of the choice Sabre had made, many -including those he befriended -called him a traitor and felt hatred for the human. 

Well that was until they seen what has truely become of Sabre. 

Watching from a balcony above a large town, Origin couldn't help to smile as he finally gained what is rightfully his after so long of being written off: ruler of the Steves. Furthermore, he gained someone to rule with him. Sabre was unwilling at first, as Origin expected, but the brunet gave himself to him eventually and the Steve can thank his creations for that. The anger within the Steves cause Sabre to stop hoping and give in, becoming very loyal to Origin in the end and closed from everyone else.

"My King" A voice broke Origin of his thoughts.

Turning around, Origin seen Sabre, "Ahh, hello my flower, what brings you here?" 

As the Steve spoke, he walk to the brunet.

"Three Steves were captured and are waiting in the throne room for your judgement" Sabre said as Origin wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close.

The blue-eyed Steve brushed some hair out of Sabre's face, "Oh? Well let's greet them, shall we?"

Sabre nodded and let Origin lead him to the throne room where they were meant with three Steves: a Purple Steve, a Blue Steve and a starry one. The three glared at the rulers while Origin held onto his smirk and took a seat on his throne chair, and Sabre kept his head down so no one would see his face and sat on one of the arms of the throne chair.

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