(2) FavremyOrange Part 6

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Requested by EndQueenMelissaC3000


Orange froze as those words came out of Sabre's mouth, his mind couldn't register anything from that point: movement, people, voices, anything. He didn't even realize someone had dragged him out of the room until water was splashed onto his face. Finally waking up, Orange sees that he is in a hallway with Yanny staring at him with an emotionless expression.

"Wha...?" Orange said confused.

"I was getting bored of waiting for you to wake up so I just got a cup of water and that did the trick" Yanny explained as he threw the cup in the nearby trash can.

That's when Orange's brain finally caught up, "S-Sabre forgot, he forgot everything and it's all my fault!"

"Don't start pitying yourself, it's pathetic" Yanny scoff, "The only one who should be crying is Sabre, not you. Besides, it's not like he's dead"

"How can you be so cold hearted?!" Orange sobbed out then shook his head, "I shouldn't be here, I need to help Sabre"

Just before Orange could walk away, Yanny put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him against the wall.

"All you're going to do is scare him, Amethyst and some others are with him as of now"


"Trust me on this Orange, all you need to do is go home, destroy everything that was related to those days to prevent Sabre from going into shock. Take it slow with him, don't push things onto him all at once and just be there for him. Sabre's mind more than likely pushed all of his memories back in order to protect him, just pick out the good stuff, and some of the bad as bad things will happen even when things go back to normal" Yanny explained.

Yanny took a few steps back then turned to walk away, but stopped when Orange said,

"D-Did you do the same thing to Amethyst?"

Silence then

"Go back to Sabre Orange" Yanny then turned his head, "And I did though not out of love, but hatred."

Orange was shocked to hear that and was curious but put that curiosity aside as he had other matters to like making sure everything is right when Sabre comes home. Getting Gerald from Nursey's office where she's been keeping him since Orange was by Sabre's side all this time. With Gerald's help, they made sure anything and everything of that event was gone.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Amethyst and some other Steves were talking to Sabre, easing him into certain things.

"Um, Amethyst?"

"Yes Sabre?"

"Who was that orange guy earlier? He seemed very upset"

Emerald took this time to speak, "That was Orange, he's a-oof"

The green leader was interrupted by Citrine who elbowed him in the stomach with a look saying 'Don't you even dare right now'. Out of everyone, Citrine was the angriest of them all for what Orange has done, along with being disappointed at his brother for doing this to an innocent person. 

"He's no one" Citrine said with a smile to reassure the human, "So Sabre, what do you remember?"

"Um...I was walking in some woods when I seen something blue and ended in some place with stone, I don't know what happened afterwards."

"Do you recongize anyone here or anyone at all?"

Sabre shook his head making Citrine signed, the human had lost all memories of him and the Steves to the point nothing was recognizable. The Orange Leader wants nothing more than to punch his so called brother. Doors to Sabre's room opened for Yanny to come in then walk to Amethyst.

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