
636 5 14

Time Steve and ThelSpike

Requested by MelyC95

Lucas: My time has come

Time *irritated*: Enough with the time puns!

Had to.


Time was walking aimlessly around the world after he departed from Sabre and Rainbow. He didn't know what to do anymore now that his brother is gone, just after they made up. All Time wanted was his big brother back, but he didn't have anyone. He could have gone with Sabre and Rainbow, but they didn't need him to slow them down and he sensed that Rainbow didn't fully trust him.

As the Steve walk, he heard thunder which meant two things: 1. there's a fight happening, 2. someone had entered the world. Hoping for the latter, Time went to investigate.

Arriving to the location, Time saw a giant crater and, from what Sabre told him, this must have been where the Rainbow Town once was before Nightmare destroyed it with the help of his brother. In the distance, someone with blonde hair and red/black clothing stood looking every direction possible, Time slowly approach it. When the Steve was close enough, he sees it was a human and heard him talking to himself.

"Where is it? I know I logged out here, but-" The human then shouted, "Sabre! Rainbow! Anyone!"

"E-Excuse me" Time said revealing himself.

The blonde turned to him, "W-Who are you? Did you do this?"

"N-No! I mean, um, y-you know Sabre?"

"Yes! Do you where he is? He should be with a colorful Steve named-"

"Rainbow. I-I met them b-before"

Time then was grab by the shoulders.

"Where are they?" The blonde said with a mix of worry yet relief.

"I-I-" Time started to tear up, this was what his brother did when he went out and didn't come back for hours, "I-I'm"

The human, seeing the Steve tearing up, relax, "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. There's no need to cry"

He didn't know what made him do it, but Time let out a sob then hug the blonde who was surprised at the Steve's actions.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Time cried.

Hugging Time back, Lucas said, "Hey don't cry. There's nothing to be sorry about"

Lucas then petted Time's black hair which calmed him down quite a bit, "My name is Lucas, what's yours?"

"T-Time" The Steve said then pulled away and rubbed his eyes, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that"

"It's okay" Lucas smiled, "Seemed you needed it."

"I'm guessing you want to know what happened?" Time asked when he calmed down.

Lucas shook his head, "I do, but if you're up to it"

Time smiled then sat down and patted the spot next to him which Lucas took as a hint to sit down. The Steve took a breath before he explained, starting with him and his brother; to what Sabre told him; then his own point of view. Once he was done, Time was in tears with Lucas hugging him.

"I-I should h-have done something" Time hiccup, "H-He was my b-brother and, a-and"

Lucas didn't say anything, he just kept on hugging the young Steve. He understood what Time was going through, he would be in the same state if it were Sabre.

"I'm all alone. My brother was all I had and now he's gone"

"You're not alone, you have Sabre and Rainbow" Lucas smiled, "And you got me"

Time look at Lucas with confusion, "But we just met. Why do you want to be my friend?"

"I understand where you're coming from. I lost Sabre once a long time ago, he's my only family I got so I was crushed. I didn't think I would have made it without some of my friends encouraging me to continued."

"What happened?" Time asked curious, "If you don't mind me asking"

"I don't, but" Lucas signed, "I don't want to relive those memories, not anytime soon"

Time nodded, "Alright."

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, both were thinking about the our and what to do next now that they understand each other. Unconsiously, Lucas played with Time's hair as he was still holding him when he was crying earlier. 

"Um, Lucas"


"Why are you doning that?" Time ask then added when Lucas looked confused, "Play with my hair"

"Oh" Lucas realized and stopped, "Sorry, bit of a habit"

"It's fine, I like it" Time smiled, "C-Can you continue? I like the feeling"

The blonde smiled and played with Time's hair once again and the smaller let out a content sign. Eventually, Time went to sleep. (Serously, no one has played with my hair and the moment someone does, I fine out that I got to sleep in seconds). 

Lucas pick the smaller up and carried him out of what was his home until they reach a village not to far. Paying for a room at the inn, Lucas laid Time on a bed before going out to get them food. As Lucas walk, a big grin was plastered on his face, somehow, taking care of Time reminded him of when he and Sabre were younger. In a way, it felt good to take care of someone again, maybe this was something they needed. Time needed someone and Lucas didn't mind, in fact, he wants to help the Steve. Maybe, if Time let's him, Lucas can be his brother or at least be a friend to guide him. 

But that's all up to Time.


Word count: 910

Request remaining: 15

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