Ours To Have Part 2

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Requested by GalaxyChan69 


Sabre, Rainbow, and Lucas were wondering around the Nightmare King's castle after going through a portal they found. There has yet to be any sign of the corrupted Steve, but they kept their guard up in case there was a surprise attack. Eventually they found him on balcony, looking over his land while waiting for the trio.

"Alright Nightmare, give it up or else" Sabre shouted, holding his iron sword with his friends back beside him.

The Steve turned to the human with a smirk on his face, which confused all of them, "Or else what?"

The brunet opened his mouth only to be cut off by Lucas and Rainbow questioning everything, he turned to see them in cages. 

"Lucas! Rainbow!" Sabre look between the two.

"Sabre!" Both shouted.

"You see Sabre" the said human turned only to find the corrupted Steve right in front of him, "it's you who should give it up"

Sabre took a few steps back which Nightmare took an equal amount until the human's back hit the cage Rainbow was in. Grabbing one of his arms, the Steve pulled him into his chest and used his other arm to wrap around his waist to hold him in place.

"Doesn't this seem familiar, Sabre?" The Steve chuckled and caress his face.

"You leave him alone!" Rainbow growled.

Nightmare looked at Rainbow and smirk, "Oh? And why do you care?"

"Because he's my best friend and you're going to hurt him!" Rainbow shouted.

"Hm, well you didn't care before, you left poor little Sabre all alone. He was so defenseless that time, I could have taken him then and there" 

Rainbow, confused ask, "W-What do you mean?"

"First, I've waited long enough to this" Nightmare lifted Sabre's chin up and kissed him which the brunet fought for a bit, but submitted to rather quickly as he stopped fighting and he grip his shirt. 

Rainbow and Lucas' eyes widen and were mentally questioning, well Lucas was, on why Nightmare was kissing Sabre. When the Steve pulled away, Sabre felt his head cloud up to the point he couldn't think straight. The human put his head on Nightmare's chest, showing the Steve that he was in daze as he wanted him to be in. He moved his hands so one would be on Sabre's head and the other was on his back to hold him close. He then turned his attention to Rainbow who was glaring at him.

"You see Rainbow, the day you left with Light, abandoning poor little Sabre, I came." Seeing the shock in the colorful Steve's eyes made Nightmare internally grin, "We had a little chat, then I had my way with him, well I didn't go as far as I wanted to."

Rainbow remember that day, he got so angry with Sabre that he took Light and left him. After that, he knew he should have stayed as Light's health took a turn for the worse and the human could have helped him more. He didn't know Nightmare came and did what he did to Sabre. Rainbow look over to Lucas who looked so angry at both Steves, and he couldn't blame him: one abandoned Sabre and the other forced himself on his cousin.

"Now I get to finish what" Nightmare lifted Sabre's chin and was about to kiss him once again before being interrupted.

"Leave my cousin alone!" Lucas shouted.

Nightmare turned his head, "Ah, I almost forgotten you Lucas. I actually have two people I want you to met"

With a snap of his fingers, Lucas was teleported away and Rainbow was demanding to know where he was.

"He's just visiting two people, don't worry, you'll see him unless they want to keep him" Nightmare chuckled then look down when he felt the human nuzzle his chest, "Now if you excuse me"

Just like Lucas, Rainbow was teleported away when Nightmare snapped his fingers. 

"Now little savior" Nightmare said, "let's go somewhere more private"

Within a few seconds, they were in Nightmare's room where the Steve pushed Sabre onto the bed and pinned him down. Just as he did that, the brunet came out of his daze.

"W-What?" Sabre question, but when he seen Nightmare on top of him, he started to struggle.

Nightmare frowned as Sabre failed to struggle his way out of his hold, "I thought you would be in your daze longer."

"Let me go!" Sabre shouted.

"Can't" The Steve leaned down to the human's ear, "I told you that I'll collect you one day and make you mine"

"No! And where's Lucas and Rainbow!"

"Rainbow is back at your precious town and Lucas is with two others who been wanting to met him." Nightmare smirk, "But enough about them"

The use to be Yellow Steve kiss Sabre, forcing his tongue into his mouth and claiming it as his. Sabre balled up fist in the sheets he laid on and his eyes were screw closed, refusing to give in to the Steve. Nightmare pulled away growling, 


Sabre shook his head.


Nightmare yanked off Sabre's bandanna getting a gasp in return and use the fabric to tie his wrists to the headboard, tight. The brunet yanked on his bindings, unable to get free. Smirking at the defenseless male, Nightmare leaned down to his neck and kissed every inch of the exposed flesh, leaving his mark as he went. Sabre tried to hold back any noise that might cause the Steve to go further, he fail when Nightmare kissed a certain spot. 

"Found it" Nightmare then abused that spot.

Sabre arch his back and moaned as the Steve claimed him as his.

"You save everyone Sabre" Nightmare whispers, "but who will save you?"


Word count: 950

Requests remaining: 24

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