DemonSabre Part 3

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Requested by Livi_will_supportMariMarionette65MelissaC3000


A week has passed since Sabre last seen the demon in the forest and he was nervous to go back on his birthday, the next day. He knows John is going mad from not get an herb and they will go very early so he can what he declared as his. Thankfully, Sophia is coming with them so Sabre's nerves were lessened, especially now that their plan for leaving is almost done, all they have to do is wait for tomorrow night so they can sneak away from everyone. 

It was the night before and Sabre was fast asleep, curled up in his blankets, oblivious to the shadows surrounding him until he was the only light.


Just like in reality, Sabre was laying on a bed on his side, only this time he wasn't asleep or in his room. A hand ran through his hair and the other was intertwine with one of Sabre's hands. On his wrists were cuffs with a chin attach to the bed frame. Around his neck is a collar with a short chain attach to it.

"Don't you love this my little bird?" The person asked, "All caged up, with no escape"

The person lifted the hand he was holding and kissed the back of it, then glanced at something on his ring finger.

"See little bird, I told you that the ring would be else where when the time comes"

Sabre did not say anything, just laid there, allowing the person to do as he pleases.

"Come on little bird, let me hear that song of yours" The person said, "Let me hear it, let my ears fill with it"

The brunet opened his mouth and-

Dream over

Sabre sat up, gasping for air. Another dream with that man, another dream of him being chained to him. He look to his window to see it was morning then look to his lap only to see the ring was no longer on a necklace, but on his finger. Trying and failing with taking the ring off, Sabre let out a broken sob; he doesn't want to be chained to anyone, not ever again. His brother is already too much the passed 9 years and he has yet to taste freedom.

There was a knock on the door followed by a voice, "Sabre, can I come in?"


Sophia entered with a bright smile only to turn to a frown seeing he brother-in-law's puffy red eyes.

"Baby" The girl rushed over, setting the food she had on the nightstand and pulled the boy into a hug who sobbed quietly, "Baby, what's wrong? Tell Sophy"

Sabre told the female his dream, it was like the others, but he had the ring on his finger this time. Ever since their last visit to the forest, Sabre has been getting these weird dreams where he was chained up and someone speaking to him, telling him things. Sophia is the only person he ever told because she was the only one who cares about him.

"We don't have to go baby, not if you don't want to"

"John would get mad and drag me to the forest" Sabre whimper, "I miss AV and Virus"

"Me too, but we'll be with them soon"

AV and Virius are Sophia's younger brothers, they were the only one John did not mess with as one was a very good doctor and the other experiments with different medication to either help or hinder others. The duo were helping them move as they wanted nothing more than to being them to their town, away from the crazy man they call their brother/husband. It's pretty bad when those two agree as they argue 9.5/10 times.

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