Little Treasure Part 1

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Siren Void x Child Sabre

Requested by MelyC95MelissaC3000

I have about 6 different requests for VoidSabre so this will be a 4 part story.


Void was swimming through a river when he sees floating objects in the water, it seems another boat had sunk or broke apart. Going closer to see if there was anything worth value, Void heard crying from what sounds like a small child. Noticing something splashing in the water, the siren swam over out of curiosity. It turned out it was a small boy, no older than five, trying his best to stay above water. Void watches as the boy went under water and was about to leave when something told him to save the boy. This wasn't the first time he watch someone drown, be an adult or child, but it was the first time he felt the urge to save the boy.

'What is so special about this one?' Void thought as he swim underwater to retrieve the boy who was still trying to swim up, but grew weaker with every passing moment.

The siren reached the boy just as his eyes started to flutter closed and brought him up to the surface so he could breath. The boy coughed once he got air in his lungs once again as Void held him. Once he was done, the brunet laid his head on Void's shoulder panting slightly. Void took this time to look at the boy's feature's: light brown hair, a light blue/green shirt and black shorts; and cuts littered his arms and legs. Tilting the boy's head up, Void internally gasp seeing the boy had two different and rare colored eyes: his left is light grey while his right is light green. 

"Are you an angel?" The boy asked panting

"No, I'm not" 'But you certainly are'

"Does that mean I'm not dead?"

"No" Void petted the boy's hair, "Not yet"

The boy tried to keep his eyes open as he fights of the sleepiness that was trying to engulf him, "Are you going to hurt me?"

"No, you are rare treasure little one" Void said then started to sing.

Void knew the boy needed one more pushed before he goes into a slumber so with the combination of the petting and sing, the brunet fell asleep in Void's arms. The siren couldn't help, but coo at the boy's cuteness. He decided that he would keep the little boy. Going underwater and creating an air bubble so the boy could breath, Void swam to his home while not disturb the little one's sleep.


The boy woke up to find himself no longer in water with wreckage around him, but in a large cave with different things all over the place. The brunet tried to stand up with his shaky legs, but his legs buckled sending him falling to the ground if an arm had not catch him.

"Careful little one" The boy seen it was the creature from before, "You're still recovering"

"Wh-Who are you?"

"I'm Void little treasure, and what's your name?"


"That's a nice name Sabre" Void picked up Sabre on his tail where his legs were.

Sabre yelped a bit feeling the cold water, but got use to it in a few seconds.

"Mr. Void?"

"You can just call me Void, Sabre" The siren said, petting Sabre hair.

"Where am I and what are you?"

"You're in my home and I am a siren"

The brunet's face paled, his father told him stories about sirens and they eat meat, including people. Sabre tried to get away fearing that the black haired would eat him, but Void had a grip on him.

"What's wrong little treasure?"

Tears feel from Sabre eyes, "P-Please d-don't eat m-me"

Void whipped away the tears with the hand he was using to pet Sabre, "Don't cry little treasure, I'm not going to eat you"


"Yes, you're too rare of a human to eat" Void kissed the little boy's check earning a little giggle from him.

"That tickled Void"

"Ticklish are you?"

"No I'm not"

"Then how about here" Void tickled Sabre's stomach gaining at squeal then laughter.

"S-Stop!" Sabre laughed, "I-I'm going to p-pee"

Void chuckled and kissed Sabre's head, "Feel better?"

Still trying to calm down from his laugh fest, Sabre nodded, "T-That w-was f-fun"

"Good, now it's getting late and you need to go to bed"

"No, I just woke up and I'm not even tired" Sabre whined.

"Sorry little treasure, but you are a child and children need their sleep" Void said then started to sing his song.

"But I'm...not...sleepy" Sabre get more tired the longer he listen to the soothing song the siren was singing, "So...sleepy"

Once again Sabre fell asleep on Void who put him in his makeshift bed that Void made.

"Good night my little treasure"


Word count: 818

Requests remaining: 27

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