BossSharkBow Part 3

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Requested by MariMarionette65

Prompt: Okay, I want a part 3 where Shark tries to get away and almost does before getting caught. (If this isn't what you want to write for a part 3 that's okay too)

Note: Shark doesn't have a tail, just fines on his legs to swim like a Mermaid/Siren, but slower

I'm just going to put Luna instead of Queen 

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!


It's been a month since Boss and Rainbow forced Shark to become a creature of the sea and made him marry them. It was a beautiful wedding, the decorations and food were absolutely perfect, and Shark would have enjoyed it if it wasn't his and wasn't forced to marry two people he thought were his friends. The whole time one of them had an arm around him or would trap him in a corner and kiss him deeply before going back. A lot of mermaids and sirens loved how he was wearing pure white as they say a wife should have no other relationship besides with their husband, or in Shark's case, husbands. To Shark's surprise, no one objected to a human marrying the next kings and when he asked Rainbow, he answered:

"No one lives if they dare reject the new luna"

That sentence along with Rainbow smiling sent shivers down Shark's spine. Apparently there have been those who didn't accept a human or a male marrying one or both of the princes, but they were forced to comply or something bad would happen to them.

Hours later, the three went into Rainbow's room, they were in the Mermaid's castle, where Rainbow and Boss had some 'fun' with their now wife who had no choice but to submit to them. Thankfully, after that night, Shark didn't see much of them as they were preparing to take the throne now that they were married. Since their species are in a truce, new rules and regulations had to be made. The downside is that Shark isn't allowed to leave his room, only allowed out if he's accompanied by one of his husbands and even then it wasn't guaranteed that he would go out. The only time he would see anyone else are the servants who brought him food or stuff he asks for, which he only did for some sort of interaction, but soon the servants were ordered not to speak to him except for certain lines. Shark could only guess Rainbow and/or Boss figured it out and ordered the servants to do so. Now the former human just stares out the window, thinking about home along with his family and friends; his life before this madness.

Now back to the present.

Shark was watching the sea town down below, like he usually does anymore, but today took a different route. It started with a knock on the door.

"Luna Shark, may I come in?"

This surprised Shark and he quickly said yes without thinking. A female and male pair of sea creatures entered the room, both carrying a satchel.

"Luna Shark, we're here to help you escape this place" The female said.

Shark swam to them, brown eyes filled with hope, "Really?!"

"Yes, we've been watching you for a while and decided to help you" The male nodded then grabbed Shark's hand, "Let's get going"

"Hang on, what about everyone else? Won't they tell?"

"They're occupied elsewhere, now let's go!"

With little hesitation, Shark swam with the other two and couldn't wait to taste freedom once again instead of being cooped up inside of a room. During the swim, the former human couldn't stop smiling even in the silence they were in. Neither of the sirens spoke, just kept on swimming

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