BossSharkBow Part 2

465 7 7

Requested by MelissaC3000Mightymiss

The reason the requests went from 50 something to 17, I'm doing the part 2, 3 etc of an already requested oneshot.


Rainbow and Boss swam to a cave where there was little land surrounded by water, it was deep enough so a person who can not hold their breath won't be able to swim out before passing out from a lack of air. This was where they were bring Shark after their marriage; however, plans change and now they'll stay here till the wedding so Shark won't be able to escape before hand.

Meanwhile, the two were working on the finishing the final touches on the wedding, all that is left is to get Shark to drink the forever potions when he wakes up so he will no longer be a land creature and love them as they love him. They were going to have it at the Mermaid's castle then go to the Siren's to fully claim Shark.

In the cave, Shark had woke up a hour ago and now hugging his legs in his chest. Tears fell down his face as he thought of how the two creatures he thought of friends had kidnap and is forcing him to become their bride. Furthermore, he found out they are a prince for the Siren Kingdom and Mermaid Kingdom; making him feel even more betray and hurt.

Hearing the sound of the water being disturbed, Shark look up to see it was his kidnappers. The duo swam around the small island they left Shark on.

"Hello little star" Rainbow greeted, "How are you doing?"

Shark only glared at him and kept quiet.

"Don't be like angel" Boss sat on a rock that was underwater and pulled Shark on his lap, "We're only what's best for you"

"What's best for me?!" Shark shouted, "Taking me from my home and forcing me to become your bride is what's best for me!"

Rainbow hug Shark from behind, "We are going to give you everything you ever need, becoming out bride and loving us is just to seal the deal."

"After what you two did, I'll never love either of you"

"Well Shark" Boss chuckle, "Either you love us willing or we'll force you"

"Why are you forcing me to do all of this?! I thought you love me! You wouldn't do this if you love me!"

"We do love you Shark" Rainbow said, "We love you to the point we'll chain you up"

"Never let you see the light of day"

"Make sure that we're the only ones who you will ever see"

"Mark ever inch of your body" Boss said then kiss Shark's neck.

"Continuously claim you as ours until it's imprinted into your brain" Rainbow then followed Boss' lead.

Both were trying to find a spot where they'll make their mark on their human. Shark tried keep quite, but the sea creatures were relentless and showed no mercy. When he did let out a moan, they bit down hard enough to cause blood to surface from the marks they made. Boss continued to mark up his neck, Rainbow grabbed one of his hand and made more marks. As for Shark, he was in a daze, unable to think straight as the two continuously touch and mark him as their.

By the time they stopped, Shark's neck, arms, shoulders were covered in marks.

"If you think this is bad, wait until after the wedding, we're going to mark all of you until there's not piece untouch." Rainbow chuckled.

"Now it's time for the final touches" Boss pulled out a bottle filled with grey liquid.

"Wh-What's that?"

"Oh something to keep you here" Rainbow answered, "Now, open up for Boss"

The brunet shook his head, he didn't want anything they gave him, he didn't want to be with either of them. Unfortunately, they marked Shark's neck for a reason, all Rainbow had to do was run his teeth over the darkest spot and that gave Boss the opportunity to force the potion down. To make sure the brunet drinks it, the siren pinch his nose. Unable to do anything, Shark drank the potion against his will. The siren and mermaid watch as Shark's legs  turned into a tail like theirs; his hair became darker; and fins appeared on his upper arms. He turned into a mermaid considering they were supposedly the more peaceful sea creatures.

Shark cried seeing that he was no longer human, "Wh-What did you do to me?"

Boss kissed the tears away, "The potion turned you into a creature of the sea, so you can live among us"

"So we can be together forever"

"B-But I don't w-want to" 

Rainbow then growled, "Either you love us willingly or"

"We'll make you" Boss pulled out another potion, but it was pink colored.

Shark's eyes widened making Boss smirk seeing the fear within them.

"This little thing is a forever potion, like the one we just gave you, but this one will make you love us" Boss explained, "Now, will you come our bride willingly or do we make you"

"I-I will"

"What will you be, little star?" Rainbow whispered in his ear.

"I-I'll be y-your" Shark swallowed a lump in his throat, "B-Bride"

The creatures smiled, Rainbow took his chin in his hand and turned it to kiss him. Then Boss did the same thing. As much as he wanted to push both of them away, this is the only way he has some freedom.

"Now it's time to get you dress" Boss said, smirking at the daze in the younger's eyes.

The clothing they put on him included a white long sleeve where the sleeves are see through shirt and jewelry around his neck, wrists, and in his hair. The long sleeve being white meant he was an innocent and hasn't been claimed by anyone. Normally they would have to court someone with the treasure they found, but with Shark, they get dress him up and show him off to everyone.

"Now it's time~" Rainbow sang

Boss and Rainbow grabbed on of his hands and lead him to the mermaid castle and if Shark was being forced to marry them, he would have been amazed at the scenery.

"Hope you like it, because you're going to live here for the rest of your life" Rainbow giggled.

"And remember, if you try to escape, we will find you and lock you up for as long you live" Boss warned with a sickening smirk.

Shark gulped, how did he get mixed up with two sick twisted princes? How will he escape?


Word count: 1080

Requests remaining: 17

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