A Child's Happiness - Lucas

588 13 7

Yandere Illusion Steve x TheLSpike

Ship requested by MelissaC3000

This is a part four, but the topic has shifted to Lucas.


After killing the former officer, Illusion put Lucas back in his room and took care of him as asked by Sabre who was doing something else. The being stood over the sleeping blonde, the bruise that he obtained was still present and angered Illusion very much. Illusion felt both his little one and his own anger rising, both cared for the blonde in their different ways and in the end wish to protect him.

Before taking the young boys, Illusion would watch as Sabre was bullied by the other children. At that time, he was too weak to use any of his abilities as he used all the energy to stay with his little on. That's when Lucas came, he protected Sabre, but ended up taking the beating from them. Never had Illusion felt that sort of anger from the brunet.

To be honest, Illusion never intended to feel this way for the blonde as he belonged to his little one; however, he has grown possessive of the boy. It's a different possessive then he had for Sabre. For Sabre, Illusion wants to coddle and protect him from everything and everyone as well as give him what he desires in life. For Lucas, he wants to touch every inch of him and rip him of his innocence. But for both, Illusion just wants to lock them away - just as he has - and make his fantasy into a reality. A fantasy to have a little one and - after making up his mind - have someone to love.

"Mmm" Lucas opened his eyes, "I-Illusion?"

"Hello tittle Lukey" Illusion whispered, playing with the blonde hair, "About time you woke, Sabre and I were getting worried"

"Sabre!" Lucas shouted and sat up looked around the room then looked back to Illusion, "Where's Sabre? Is he okay?"

Carefully, the being pushed Lucas back down and caress his non-bruised check.

"I won't let anything happen to my little one and you know that"

Nodding, Lucas turned his head to avoid Illusion's face. Of course, Illusion would protect Sabre, he always had. A thought then came across his mind.

"Um, Illusion, why did you help me?"

Lucas remembered a man telling him to come with him to escape where ever he was, but Lucas refused and tried to warn the man about Illusion. Unfortunately, the man did not listen and knock him unconscious. He knew Sabre went looking for him, but he did not expect to still be here.

"Why would you ask such question?" Illusion asked curiously.

"Because I know you would do anything to protect Sabre, I know you would take him away from danger. So why did you save me? Aren't I just a puppet you use to keep him happy?" Lucas then added, "Besides, you can get me back by doing what you did to me six years ago"

"You're right"

Lucas gave him a confused expression that turned into shock when Illusion climbed on top of him, pinning him to the bed.


"You are just a puppet for me to use" Illusion chuckled, "Something for me to play with and toss aside when my little one gets bored of you"

The being wrapped his hands around Lucas' throat and pressed lightly. Lucas put his hands on Illusion's wrists.

"I can do what ever I want to you" Illusion added more pressure, "As long as my little one doesn't find out"

Tears start to pool in Lucas' blue eyes, Illusion was right, as long as Sabre doesn't know then he could do what ever he please. Closing his eyes and letting go of his wrists, Lucas laid limp as readying himself for what Illusion plans to do to him. The being smirk then whispered in his ear"

"Your goal has changed little Lukey, you are to make Sabre and I happy for now" Illusion chuckled, "When my little one is not around you are to entertain me"

Lucas' eyes snapped opened, "Wh-What?"

"You heard me" Illusion added more pressure to the blonde's neck making it harder for him to breath, "You are to entertain me when I tell you to"

"E-Entertain? H-How?"

Illusion removed his hands to reveal a collar of forming bruises, "This is what I mean by entertainment"

Lucas gasp when Illusion sucked on his neck, leaving marks in his wake.

"S-Stop" Lucas whimpered, "P-Please"

"Little Lukey, when will you learn that your fate in Sabre and I's hands. Once one gets bored, the other will take"

"I-I thought all you wanted was to keep Sabre safe and happy"

"I know, that was my original plan" Illusion chuckled "However, plans change. Now I want this sweet body of yours"

The blonde shivered when Illusion ran a hand down his side, "W-What about-"

"I'll still do as I said, he's the most precious and innocent person in this, and I will keep it that way. But with you, I'm going to taint and make you mine" Illusion lick his lips.

"You can't just do that to someone! What if Sabre finds out?!"

"Well, you're not just someone and Sabre won't find out as you won't remember this conversation"

"W-Wha-mph!" Lucas' struggled when Illusion forced him into a kiss.

While Lucas was focused on keeping Illusion out, he didn't notice the being summon a pink ball and insert it in Lucas' chest. A pink light surrounded the blonde then faded in seconds and within those seconds, Lucas slowly kissed Illusion back.

Pulling away, Illusion look into those blue eyes that now swirling with pink, "Now little Lukey, what is you're goal?"

Smiling, Lucas wrapped his arms loosely around the being's shoulders, "To keep Sabre happy and to entertain you." Then he adds "All my attention for my cousin and my body for you"

"Perfect" Illusion pecked the blonde's lips, "now it is time to return you to my little one for the time being"

With a snap of his fingers, the pink disappeared from Lucas' eyes and fell to sleep. Illusion hid all the marks he made so his little one doesn't notice them. Just in time, Sabre had opened the door and peeked in the room.

"You can come in little one" Illusion said.

Sabre walk over, his worried gray eyes were trained on his sleeping cousin.

"Has he woke up?"

"Not yet"

"Why did that man try to take him? Why did he hurt Lucas? Lucas never hurt anyone, he always protects me"

Illusion hugs Sabre, "I know, but for now on we should keep a closer eye on him. I have a feeling someone will try this again"

"What?! But Lucas is my cousin, why would anyone want to split us up"

This also where some of Illusion's possessiveness comes from, Sabre tends to get possessive when it comes to someone taking Lucas' attention away. The blonde was technically the only one who was his friend and look after him when his parents didn't, which was often.

"Don't worry my little one, I'll make sure no one touches Lucas ever again" 

Sabre knows what Illusion will do to protect him so it wasn't said. Besides the only ones along to touch the blonde is both of them, no one else. No one is going to take Lucas away from them.

"I don't want anyone to take my cousin" Sabre said saddened, "He's the only one I have"

"And as my little one desires it, I shall do what it takes to please him" Illusion smiled making Sabre smile.

"Thank you Illusion"

"Anything for you Sabre"


Word count: 1285

Requests remaining: 24

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