BlueMoose Part 3

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Requested by DragonStarDust000

I was working on this before it was requested.


As promised, Moose came to visit Blue with his friends, mainly Shark, Nathan and Ariel as everyone else is spread out. At first the humans were wary of Blue until they saw how Moose and the Steve interacted with one another: Moose would mainly talk and Blue would listen while doing his own little thing. Ariel and Shark took it on them to learn and understand sign to prevent the Steve from straining his voice, and the others practice more, thankfully Lucas is fluent in both ways and became their teacher. Blue enjoyed the humans' company, mainly Moose's since he is the most comfortable with. Even though they told the Steve no, Blue would attempt to give them rare items as a thank you also 'please come back I don't want to be alone again' as Moose found out. As of now, Shark and Nathan are with Blue, Moose was coming later after sorting his satchel out.

"Hey Blue?" Shark asked, "Have you thought about leaving?"

The Steve shook his head, he didn't want to leave, he doesn't want to see the outside world, not yet.

"Why not? I mean there's more to do out there and it beats staying in here" Nathan added his input, "Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

Blue glared at the two then got up to walk deeper into his cave; unfortunately, the humans thought it was him wanting to come out so the grabbed him and headed to the exit. The Steve struggled as panic took over meaning bad things were about to happen. Neither Shark nor Nathan noticed, they were to focused on planning what to do and show the Steve in the outside world. It was when they neared the exit, that's when Blue lost it.

With no warning, no signs, the humans were blown away by a powerful force into the walls.

Nathan rubbed his head, "Ugh, what that heck? Shark, you okay?"

Getting no answer, the dirty blonde turned to see his friend knocked out with blood leaking from his head.


Nathan ran over and checked if the younger needed any medical attention, thankfully he didn't as the wound wasn't deep. The feeling of relief was short lived as a deep voice got their attention.

"I will not leave" Blue growled, floating slightly above the human's crouching height "I will not return to that world!"

"Whoa whoa! Calm down, you don't have to leave, could have just told us man!" Nathan shouted, pulling Shark into a protective hug, "What the flip is wrong with you?! You didn't have to hurt us to tell us no! And what's with you talking?! You were full on mute when we met!"

Blue glared at Nathan, "You dare yell at me! I can and will end your pathetic life! Both you and that other mortal!"

Green eyes widened at the blue sphere appeared in the Steve's hand , "Wa-Wait what?! Hang on, l-let's talk about this"

Just as Blue was about to eliminate the humans, a voice stopped him.

"Wh-What's going on?"

"Moose! This Steve is crazy! He attacked us and knocked Shark out!" Nathan explained as the eldest ran to them.

Blue stared Moose, seeing the brunet calmed the energy inside of him. Unable to help himself, the Steve floated down and hugged Moose from behind, ignoring the flinched and two humans exiting his cave. All Blue wanted right now was Moose, he craved the calming feeling the brunet gives him, wants to bury himself in that feeling.

Moose had told Nathan to get Shark out of there, Blue was distracted so they could escape without any harm. He had ignored his friend's refusal to leave him; getting help for Shark  was their primary objective. Ultimately, Nathan left with the youngest among them in his arms, silently promising to come back.

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