(2) DemonSabre Part 2

580 11 5

Requested by MelissaC3000

Remember, Damian is Demon Steve


Damian hummed to himself as he make him and his boyfriend a sandwich as an afternoon snack. A tuna fish sandwich for him, and a turkey one for Sabre. He then walk to where he left Sabre with the food in hand: the basement. Walking down the stairs, Damian heard a grunt and knew his lovely boyfriend was wake from his nap.

"Hello little song, how was your nap?" Damian asked setting the food down, "I made you a turkey sandwich, your favorite"

The halfa picked up half of Sabre's sandwich and held it to his face, "Open your mouth love, you said I get to feed you next time I made food"

When Sabre didn't, Damian signed, "Fine, I'll leave it here. I have to leave for a few hours, my mom wants me to get her something *kisses forehead* I'll be back, love you"

With that, Damian left, leaving Sabre by himself. When the brunet heard the door close, Sabre pulled against his bindings. It's been almost a week Damian trapped him down in his basement that was filled with water. During this week, Sabre learned that his trapper is half siren, half demon and used his singing abilities on him to make him Damian's boyfriend. The passed four years was him being controlled by someone who supposedly loved him. When the halfa told him that, Sabre burst into tears knowing that the last fours years he was not in control.

Now Sabre partially laid in water with his wrists chained above  his head and his legs...he couldn't feel them any more. He thinks that Damian broke them then used something to numb the pain. No longer he had his bandanna as Damian always hated when he wears it and he absolutely adores Sabre's grey eye. Since Sabre is now at his mercy, he took it off and made the brunet watch him tare it to shreds. 

The male glanced at the food and felt his stomach growl. Ever since he was tied up, he has refused to eat and the only times he did was when Damian forced him to. Sabre has no idea what the man will do to him, all he knows is that Damian is going to make him fall under his control once again. With the way his legs are, Sabre guess that Damian won't let him see the light of day anytime soon.

Time passed, how much was a mystery to him as the only window in this dimly lite room was boarded up. The door opening and closing up told Sabre that a few hours had gone and Damian was back; however, he found that he was wrong when he heard a voice he hasn't heard in a long time.

"Damian?! Are you here?" That voice, it belonged to Damian's dad, Dorian.

"Help" Sabre tried to yell, but his voice was rusty for not using it for a long time, "Help"

"Damian? I know you're said about Sabre disappearing, but you have to come out" Dorian shouted, "I guess he's not here"

Knowing that this is his only and last chance of escaping, so he mustered everything he had and screamed:



Dorian was about to open the front door of his son's home when he heard:


"Sabre?" The man questioned himself.

"Help me!"

The screams seemed to come from the basement which was thankfully unlocked, so when Dorian opened it, he was met with a shocking sight. Sabre laying partially laying in water with his wrists tied above his head and tear stains on his face.

"Oh my lord, Sabre!" Dorian ran through the water to get to the boy and went to untie him, "Sabre what happened to you? Damian said you went missing"

"D-Damian d-did this" Sabre cried then told the man what his son has done to him.

Once the younger finish explaining, Dorian could not believe his son did that to a sweet boy like Sabre. He went as far to control him for the past four years.

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here"

"I-I can't feel my legs" Sabre said, "I-I think t-they are b-broken"

When Dorian lifted Sabre in his arms he could tell the boy's legs were indeed broken. Damian did not want Sabre to leave anytime soon. 

"They are" Dorian said as he walk out the room with Sabre, "I'm so sorry Sabre for what my son did to you. I can't believe he done that to you"

"I just want to go home" Sabre hiccupped.

"And you will once we go to the hospital to fix your legs."

It's a maybe if Sabre would walk again depending on how bad Damian messed up his legs. 

Just as Dorian was about to open leading out, it was open to reveal Damian and his mom, Ariel. The mother and son pair were surprise while Dorian glared at his son and Sabre whimpered seeing his crazy ex.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Damian said surprised then nervous when he seen Sabre in his dad's arms, "A-And you f-found Sabre"

"Yes I did, he was in your basement, tied up with broken legs" Dorian growled, "What were you thinking?!"

"Dorian, sweetheart" Ariel spoke.

"Don't 'sweetheart' me Ariel" Dorian snapped, "Our son basically kidnap and held Sabre against his will"

"Dorian, he found the perfect one for him. He just wanted to keep what's his"

"Sabre is a person, not a thing! Damian can not keep his as though he's some sort of object"

"You" The attention went to Sabre who was staring at Ariel, "You did the same to him as Damian did to me"

Dorian's eyes widened and looked at his wife, "W-What?"


Shaking his head, Dorian walked passed his family and away from them. Now that Sabre brought it to his attention, Dorian doesn't remember why he fell in love with Ariel. It seems Damian is more siren than he thought and is following in his wife's foot steps. The demon heard footsteps behind and picked up his pace, he can't let either of them near the sirens, he can't let either of them lose control again.

"Dad, wait please!" Damian pleaded, "Sabre, I love you, tell my dad that!"

"Dorian! We can talk about this" Ariel said.

"No, I'm not letting you control us gain" Dorian growled.

"I don't love you Damian" Sabre cried out, "Just leave me allow!"

"That's it" Ariel then started to sing and Dorian felt himself lose control.

"Don't listen!" Sabre tried to warn, but it was too late, Dorian was back under the siren's control.

Damian took Sabre from his dad's arms and held him close, minding his legs. The brunet struggle in his hold, but he couldn't do much as he was weak from lack of hunger and his strength was almost nothing.

"Honey, take Sabre home" Ariel said, "I'll take care of your father"

"Alright mom" Damian said and walk home, "Don't worry little song, we'll be as we where once before. We'll just be like my parents"

"I-I don't want t-to be c-controlled"

"It's not bad, you seen how happy my parents were. They are perfect for each other, like we are"

"P-Please D-Damian" Sabre cried.

"Save your begging for later love" The halfa winked, "I want to here you begging me to continue what I have in stored for you"

Sabre cried the rest of the way, both him and Dorian were victims of the sirens' song. Unable to escape from the one who loves them.


Word count: 1256

Requests remaining: 23

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