(2) PlagueLucas Part 4

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Requested by AmethystAnonymous19Itzcrystall0816


Laura watched in horror as Lucas fell to the ground. Plague had just shoot the blonde, the very one that he work so hard to forget about the outside world, the one who he killed so many for.

"Lucas!" Laura kneeled next to him then glared at Plague, "You monster! I thought you loved him!"

"I do" Plague grinned, "that's why I shoot his leg, so he can't run away again. As for you"

The gun was aimed at Laura's head, before the trigger could be pulled, Plague heard a click behind him.

"Drop your weapon or else I will fire"

Plague turned to see two police officers, both had their guns drawn at the insane doctor. Seeing no choice, the green haired male slowly placed his gun on the ground and held his hands up. One officer went over to him and put handcuffs on his wrists.

"Plague Infectious, you are arrested for kidnapping, illegal experimental, murder (there's more, but I'm not listing them)" The officer listed off the stuff he had down, some Laura was not expecting.

As one took Plague to the police car, the other ran over to see if the two were okay after calling an ambulance. Laura said she was fine and Lucas was shoot in the leg then fell unconscious after hitting his head on a tree root from falling. Plague didn't say anything as everything was happening, his eyes were trained on Lucas' form. He was so close, so close to getting what he wanted, but there's always next time.

The ambulance arrived and took Lucas, while Laura explained what had happened to the blonde and to her while Plague had them.


Some time had passed, Plague was sent to a mental asylum as he was too unstable to be outside. Laura went home after weeks of being missing. Lucas stayed in the hospitial to be montiored to see if what ever Plague did to him was harmful. So far his cousin, boyfriend and several of his friends visit him as his parents were elsewhere for business. As for his memory situation, the blonde couldn't remember anyone, he barely remembered his own name. Nothing anyone did helped him recall his life before Plague kidnapped him. Laura came to visit him at least twice a week to see if Lucas was fine, she had grown attached to the blue eyed boy and tries to help him regain his memories.

As of now Lucas was playing on his phone as he was told by his apparent boyfriend it was his. Today was a boring day for him, no one came to visit so he wasn't allowed to go outside and didn't feel like watching TV though he kept it on for some noise, so aimlessly looking through his stuff was his only option. He's been here for half a year and nothing has changed for him; he still can't remember anything.

Looking up when the door opened, Lucas seen a man who he hasn't seen before.

"Um, who are you?"

The man smiled, "Just an old friend"

Lucas looked at him with curious blue eyes as the man walk closer.

"I'm so glad that you're okay" The man smiled, his eyes went to Lucas' leg, "How's your leg?"

"Fine. Sorry, but who exactly are you?"

The man played with Lucas' hair, "Just someone who cares for you."

"Um, I have a boyfriend and everyone tells me that he is" Lucas said, not liking the look in the man's eyes.

The man smiled softly, "I know, he got you before I could"

Feeling something off about the person, Lucas went to grab the thing to call a nurse in but his hand was caught.

"Sorry Lu Lu, can't let anyone interrupting our chat" The man grin, "Especially I waited so long just to hold your hands"

"P-Please let g-go of me" Lucas said shakenly.

Instead of listening, the man leaned down and forced Lucas into a kiss, forcing his tongue in his mouth. Lucas's eyes widened and tried to pull away but the man held the back of his head and he was weak compared to the man to push him off. Blue eyes widen feeling the man slip something into his mouth and him accidently swallowed it. The man pulled away and went to work on Lucas' neck, sucking and nibbling away. Meanwhile, the blonde felt his body heat up and the man's touches almost burn his skin.

The man pulled away to see his  work on the blonde and his reward was the sight of Lucas panting, his face flush bright pink, neck with several bruises, blue eyes glossed over to show he was in a daze.

"I promise I would fix you Lu Lu" The man giggled, "I promised to remove all of your memories of the cruelties of the world and would depend on me and me alone"

The man watch as Lucas fell asleep, his chest slowly rising and falling. Carefully, the man lifted Lucas off the bed and cradled him in his arms.

"Don't worry baby" The man brushed some hair out of the blonde's face, "I won't let anything happen to you, I won't let anyone take you away from me again"


"Five days ago Plague Infectious  escaped ******* mental asylum. Staff report that he's extremely unstable and will not hesitate to kill as he did with one doctor and three other patients. According to sources, he's more than likely to go after Lucas Spike, a young man he kidnapped nearly four months ago. According to Laura Night, another victim who was kidnap two months after Lucas, Plague is obsess with him and experimented on others before giving the young man the final results. She states that is the cause of Lucas' memory lost. Authorities say they will go to ******* hospital because they believe Plague will go there in order to see Lucas who will be-"

"Too late" Plague chuckled, "You're all too late, isn't that right Lu Lu?"

The blonde look at him with confused blue eyes. Plague smirk and pulled him on his lap.

"You're mine Lu Lu" Plague said then peck the blonde's lips, "and you're never leaving me again"


Word count: 1047

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