FavremyGalaxy Part 4

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Requested by smiledontfrown2019


The next time Galaxy found Sabre, he was in worst condition than when he saved him from the orange haired girl. Sabre laid injured on stone as a Steve stood over him telling the human how weak he is and how foolish he was for trying to save the Steves. Neither of them seen Galaxy, but he could see and hear everything that was said. The starry Steve felt his blood boil seeing how hopeless the strong willed human was.

Sabre wasn't suppose to be hopeless, he was their hope, he was his hope.

Galaxy watch as the Steve pick up Sabre by the neck and saying that this was his end. This is when Galaxy showed himself unable to hold back anymore.

"Let him go!" Galaxy shouted.

The human and Steve look at him.

"G-Galaxy?" Sabre croaked out.

It was when Galaxy seen Sabre's hopeless grey eyes that something snapped inside of him. 

"What are you doing here? I thought you were elsewhere, guess I have to erase your-"

Illusion was cut off when a force surrounded both him and Sabre then separated them so Sabre was next to Galaxy and Illusion was lowered to the ground. The human feel onto his knees when he was freed for the strange force, all of his energy is gone and the only thing keeping him from passing out is his worry for Galaxy.

"How are you doing this?! I don't understand!" Illusion yelled, he thought his creator has yet to master his powers properly.

Sabre look at the starry Steve and seen one of his eyes turned red meaning Void was there as well. Seeing that was kind of a relief as the two were working together and since Void wasn't affected by the illusion, Galaxy could use their powers properly.

Galaxy didn't say anything, instead he waved his hand in a dismissive matter, "I'll deal with you later"

With that, the Steve disappeared resulting a weight being lifted of their shoulders, letting them know that the illusion had broken. Galaxy breathed in, feeling the surge of power, and Void's presence, leave him and the sense of familiarly to return. As for Sabre, he felt himself truely relax for the first time in weeks, but it only lasted a moment as he knows Galaxy will start asking and he won't be able to escape this time as his body was screaming for rest.

"Galaxy, I-I" Sabre was cut off when the said Steve picked him up.

"Rest Sabre, it's my turn to protect you" Galaxy said as he walks away from the area, "Don't worry, you'll be safe and sound when you wake"

Unable to resisted the temptation anymore, Sabre allowed the darkness to embrace him and fell asleep unable to hear what the Steve said before he did.

Galaxy watch as the brunet's chest slowly rises and falls, hearing his breathing become steady indicating he was asleep. It was nice to see Sabre relax yet it pains Galaxy to even think those words.

'We weren't happy when you left, we were anything but happen' Galaxy thought, 'When you wake up, I'll tell you how I really feel. I'm done hiding, it's time for me to stand on my own two feet'

The Steve walk with teh human in his arms until they reach the village that was once abandon and empty now filled with Steve who all greeted Galaxy when he came and questioned the person in his arms. Galaxy said he would explain after laying the brunet on something softer than his arms; for some reason seeing all the Steves he made friends with in the village were once again alive did not raise the question in his head. It was when Galaxy reached his home in the village and saw two familiar people who he thought were lost running to him. The last time he saw Overseer was when he passed a while ago and Alex was after she attacked Sabre then went MIA.

After laying Sabre on his bed, Overseer explained everything.

Apparently, the illusion imbedded itself with the world's code so much that it obtain a special property that resisted the virus and ultimately destroying it so it was no longer a threat. Turns out, the illusion world was a copy with all the Steves alive (as far back to when the village was thriving). When the virus was destroyed and the illusion broke, reality and illusion became one. It was a bit complicated and hard to understand for the most part, but Galaxy understood most of it, well he thinks anyways.   

Then Alex asked about Sabre as memories of her attacking him were fresh in her mind. Galaxy told want occurred a few hours ago, accidently mentioning his crush on the brunet at some point. This caused Alex to go into fangirl mode as she shipped them for the longest time though she kept it on the low side as she didn't want to wake the exhausted human who deserved all the rest he can get.

"So, what now?" Galaxy asked.

"Well I believe Alex and I should tell the other what happened while you take care of Sabre" Overseer suggested, "Come along Alex, let's give these two some alone time"

"Alright, but later I'm going to tease you about this" Alex laughed as she followed Overseer.

"Alex!" Galaxy groaned, covering his face.

Just like a sibling he loves, he hates when they tease him.

Once the two left, and calmed his nerves down a bit, Galaxy pulled a chair next to his bed that Sabre occupied.

"Sleep all you want Sabre, I won't leave you" Galaxy held one of Sabre's hands, "and I won't let you leave until you know how much I truely care for you. I love you so much Sabre, I don't want you to leave me, Alex and the Steves again. So please, be selfish for once and stay no matter what you believe" 

The Steve pressed his head on Sabre's hand, "Please don't leave when you wake up."


Word count: 1007

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