Catacomb Trio Part 3

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Requested by Itzcrystall0816


Back in the Catacombs, Faceless laid Ghost on his bed and Plague covered him with a blanket. The two smile at the sleeping Steve's peaceful expression but then noticed the dark circles under his eyes, guilt piled up once again. They were the reason the Steve they fought over is in this state because of them.

"We have to make it up to him" Plague said as he ran a hand through Ghost's hair, "We have to if we ever want a chance for him."

"Agreed" Faceless then paused, "You're right, we can do that"

"Cata?" Plague asked.

Cata is the Catacombs itself, only Ghost and Faceless can hear her as they have a direct connection to this while Plague is like a visitor. She's somewhat a guardian and protects the residences as though they were her children.

"Yes, she says we should do things he likes, but ease him into all of it. Apparently he has become mute due to us not speaking to him; numb because of the name calling, apperantly he takes them personally; has insomia from consist worrying; and developed depression from us excluding him from several things and forgetting about him often." Faceless said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"We were so horrible" Plague chocked out, "I called him baby so many times, I was just teasing him, I didn't-"

Faceless gave Plague a side hug as comfort, "We'll make it up to him when he wakes up. He'll be loved so much he won't know what to do with it all"

Plague smiled and kissed Faceless' cheek, "You always know what to say"

"It's the only way I can sooth you" Faceless took one of Ghost's hands in his, "Hopefully I say the right thing for him. I want to give him happiness as he deserve"

Plague took Ghost's other hand, "I want to give back what I took from him."

At the end he look at Faceless, both know that Plague is the main reason things happen the way it did. He was competing against Faceless for Ghost's love then the two fell in love, leaving Ghost all by himself. The shapeshifter got a hold of Plague's hand and kissed the back of it.

"It's not all your fault, I abandon Ghost after being his only friend for years and having a crush on him for the longest time"

The two smile (No one dare) then turned their attention to Ghost who let out a groan then opened his eyes. The Steve mouthed 'Where?' and Plague respond.

"You're home Ghost, back in the Catacombs"

That was the wrong thing to say as Ghost shot up away from the two. His grey eyes darted around, trying to find a way out but the any exits were block off by the Catacombs.

"Ghost" Faceless said softly, "Please, let us explain"

Ghost shook his head then ran to a wall and banged on it, silently begging for the Catacombs to open an exit. Unfortunately, his prays weren't answered as arms wrapped around his torso then pulled him away from the wall. Plague was trying to hold Ghost with great difficulty as the Steve was struggling to no ends. Funny how a ghost is heavy.

"Please, Ghost, we're sorry, we didn't mean to exclude you!" The shapeshifter tried, "We just got so wrapped up with each other and we didn't mean to! I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for leaving you!"

"You can blame me Ghost, I took your best friend!" Plague said, "Even after knowing of your past, I made you feel so alone and nothing I can do will every show how sorry I am"

The grey Steve ceased his struggles during Faceless and Plague's apologies until he went limp in Plague's arms. Sensing that Ghost won't run, Plague let go of him and back away. 

A silence covered them like a blanket, that was until Plague uncovered it.

"I, I think I should go"

"What?" Faceless asked.

Giving his boyfriend a sad smile, "I'm the cause for all of this, besides, this is your and Ghost's home, if anyone is suppose to leave, it's me. I cause more harm than good"

"Plague" Faceless tried.

"I'm sorry I caused you so much pain Ghost. If I could, I would redo everything but this is one way to make things right"

Faceless felt his heart break a bit as he watch as the Steve walk to a door that appeared moments ago. As much as he wanted to stop the greenet, Faceless couldn't leave Ghost again, it would break him but at the same time, losing Plague will break him. He didn't know who to chose, he had to make a chose: Plague or Ghost

"Don't go"


Word count: 791

You Decide - Steve Saga(3) & Rainbow QuestМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя