His Assistant Part 2

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Requested by EndQueen

I seen Yellow Steves represents energy so that means in my book they can sense the intentions of someone (like feeling the positive energy flow) and can summon energy based weapons.


He didn't know how long he sat there.

He didn't know how much time had passed since everything clicked.

He didn't know anything.

All he known was for the first time since he encountered the Darkness, he felt his mind clear to the point he could think clearly. Regrets filled his mind, but his biggest regret was with Hikari, the very Steve he promised to protect from the Darkness fused him with one. 

Running his hand through his hair, he thought back to his love's final words:

'I will always love you, Derek'

Derek, that was his name before he turned into a nightmare that all feared and earned him the name Nightmare Steve. Of course he made everyone call him that, Hikari was the only one who could say his real name without consequence until the corruption spread further. He then lashed out on him for calling him anything but Nightmare. 

All of this should have sent warning signs between Hikari's being unusual submission and the fear within his eyes. Those golden orbs never held that kind of emotion, not until he became corrupted. 

'You should have realized this'

'I didn't know, the corrupt-'

'That doesn't excuse you killing our love!' The voice yelled, 'You still loved him even after becoming Nightmare Steve!'


'You loved him but you ignored those feeling and pushed him aside! The Darkness brought out what you desired and twisted them! You desired power, control, Hikari!'

The voice went away leaving Nightmare alone once again, alone with the guilt.

'I'm going to get you back , I'm going to get you back and everything will be fine' Nightmare promised, 'I'll have you back my light'


For the first time in months, Hikari seen the light of day but the price was for Dark's own life. He decided to give Hikari and Happy their lives back to repay everyone for the mistakes he made. Though both Steves were happy to be bad, they were sad at the loss of Dark who they considered someone to care for. Now Happy is back in the Orange Village with the rest of his friends while Hikari helped the Yellow King and his own assisstant with figuring out the darkness plan. 

(Weeks later)

Hikari was heading to the Orange Village to see Happy, he missed seeing the Steve. It was a peaceful day yet the former assisstant was cautious in case any darkness appears; unfortunately, shadows are everywhere. Out of no where, four figures made of darkness surrounded Hikari who quickly went into a defensive stance. Oddly enough, none move, just stared at the Steve.

"Um, what do you want?!" Hikari said, trying to hide the confusion in his voice.

One of them motion as though saying to follow it to which Hikari shook his head and tried to run only to be cut off by the minions of darkness.

"You can escape to let you know"

"W-Who said that?" Hikari said look around.

"Just someone you'll met soon, for now, how about I take you to your friend? He misses you dearly"

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