Little Lamb Part 2

906 21 11

Requested by AmethystAnonymous19


(A few days later)

Sabre just entered the kitchen in the mansion that his master owned after making his weekly trip to the market. Just as he turned to put a newly made pitcher of juice, he bumped into someone, spilling it all over him and the other person.

"Hey watch where you're - oh, it's you" Sabre look up to see John glaring at him with his hazel eyes, "What a clumsy servant you are, don't know why master keeps you"

Of course it had to be John. One of the few who hate Sabre in the household just becasue master pays more attention to him than anyone else. Everyone else stopped questioning it after 3 years of master Dark summoning him to his room almost every night. So now only John and a few others, mostly those who have a crush on the vampire and the ones who worked here longer, hate him.

"Sorry John" Sabre said, holding back the fact he too should apologize, "I'll clean this up"

"Good, I would hate to inform master of your inability to clean a mess when you are such a clutz" John scoffed, "Now, make me something sweet to eat"

"But master said no one is allowed-"

"I" John emphasized, "am master's oldest and most valued servant, anything I say, he will believe. If I say how bad of a servant you are or you are disloyal than he will dismiss or kill you in a heart beat"

Sabre know that this wasn't true, but fear that their master will take the word of his oldest servant over his was present. No matter how much he desired Sabre's blood, there are others who can give the vampire what he wants and probably more. After Sabre cleaned the mess and started to make something for John, Dark entered the kitchen, unknowing to the humans. Not seeing John, Dark frowned as he walk to the brunet.


"Y-Yes master" Sabre turned to see the disappointment in the vampire's dark red eyes.

"I thought I said no one will eat anything sweet until lunch or dinner time" Dark said, "This isn't like you little lamb"

The nickname sent shivers down his spine, "S-Sorry master, I-I just"

"Did someone tell you to do this?" Dark had learned the mortal has a bad habit of doing as others tell him, a habit that he was trying to get the other to break.

Sabre shook his head, but the vampire knew one way to get the truth. Using his speed as a vampire, Dark took the bandanna off the mortal and lifted his chin so they were looking at each other in the eye.

"Now tell me, did someone tell you to do this? If you don't answer honestly, you'll receive punishment"

Glancing to where John stood, well once stood, Sabre knew either way he would get punished for lying, so he just said 'no'. The rage in the vampire grew, his servant lied to him once again and that can not be accepted. Grabbing Sabre by his wrist, Dark dragged him to the dungeon where those who betray him are locked away to rot or be punished. Sabre said nothing as he was dragged, it was no use. If he told Dark that John told him to do it then he'll be called a liar after Dark confronts him.

"They say grey eyes mean wisdom, but you are nothing wise. Just a dumb servant" Dark growled.

Tears pooled in Sabre's eyes, but he didn't let any fall. After nine years of being loyal, being a willing meal, Sabre was nothing in Dark's eyes, but a useless servant.

Just as they reach an empty cell, Dark turned to Sabre to scold him more when he saw the sadness within his eyes. Normally someone would beg him for forgiveness, but Sabre barely said a word.

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