(3) PlagueLucas Part 2

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Requested by Clawclaw3, MelissaC3000

Bad ending, I know, I had no idea to it is what it is.


Laurence blink, it felt as though he was asleep but, in reality, he was under a siren's control like his family. The moment he 'woke up', the male instantly went to his grandson who 'woke up' the moment he was touched and crumbled into the older's arms, crying resulting for the rest to 'wake' up.

"Shh, it's okay puppy, it's okay" Laurence whispered, rubbing the blonde's back.

"Where did that ba-"

"Language" Negative inturrupted his brother.

(Mind instantly went to BadBoyHalo and Captain America) 

"-Siren go!"

Garroth growled, "He escaped, he used our hearing to his advantage. *looks at the two who held Plague earlier* tell the rest to look for that siren! I want him on his knees and gagged!" 

The two obeyed and went to alert the rest of the family. Positive looked at his cousin, he's the reason Lucas is like this, he brought Plague in knowing full and well that no one but family and certain outsiders are allowed in. Positive felt a tug in his mind, his grandfather using their mind link.

"Positive, take your brother, Laurence and Lucas to the safe room. We can't let that siren get his hand on them"

"But grandfather, this is-"

"Don't argue with me, do you  want Negative to be taken?"

"No one touches him" Positive growled in his head.

"Good boy, now go"

Positive held Negative's hand then gestured Laurence to follow them with Lucas while Garroth went to attend other matters. The reason Garroth especially wanted those three somewhere safe is because the siren was still in his home, his scent is still fresh. He wasn't going to let anyone take his husband or pup. As said before, Laurence is a Shadow Knight and Lucas is something mysterious; Negative has powers that can be used to create or destroy, some might refer to these powers as a blessing from a higher being. 

Laurence picked up Lucas then followed his grandsons after giving his husband one last look. Lucas clung onto his grandfather, fearing someone would take him from his family.

"Positive, where are we going?" Negative asked.

"Granpda Garroth mind linked me to take you three to the safe room" Positive explained, "That siren is still here and is after Lucas, probably Grandpa Laurence."

"Shouldn't I be helping since he's after them?" The older blonde asked, "I don't want Pa Pa or Lucas to get hurt"

"No, Grandpa Garroth wants you to be with them" Positive half lied, "You'll protect them while I help the others. Need to scent him out"

"You don't need to scent him out"

"What do you mean?"

No one knew what happened in the next few seconds, but Negative and the attacker. The older blonde shoved Laurence away just as Plague came down, taking the attack intended for the eldest. Positive quickly got in front of his grandfather and cousin, worried about his brother but he wasn't their target. 

Plague growled at the boy who got in his way, "I'm going to make you pay for getting in my way"

"Sorry, but it's going to take a lot more to bring me down" Negaitve glared then got into a fighting stance.

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