BossSharkBow Part 4

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Requested by MelissaC4000MightymissDarkBlossom27

No more parts unless prompt is given.


Rainbow and Boss spoke to each in hush voices not wanting to wake up Shark just yet, though that didn't stop them from putting a hand on his perfect body. The brunet currently was snuggle against the siren's chest while his legs were partially wrapped around the mermaid's tail; this was usually how Shark slept when the sea creatures were in the same bed, though sometimes it would be the other way around. 

"We have to keep a closer eye on him" Boss said, "This can not happen again"

"Agreed" Rainbow then signed, "He won't be happy knowing he's on a tighter leash now"

"It's for his and their safetly, we sworn to protect Shark from ever being harmed, that was in our vows and those silent promises we made meeting him." Boss put his head on Shark's back and closed his eyes, "This is the most we can do after forcing him to be ours"

The mermaid glanced at Shark's sleeping face, "I won't ever regret making him ours but I will regret taking his freedom and life forcefully from him"

"We can not reverse what's already done, we can only move forward and that's it" Boss said, he was going to say more but a groan from the former human stopped him.

Instead of waking up, Shark turned around to Rainbow and snuggle close to him while his legs went around Boss' tail. Both smiled at how thier bride reacted to them, even in sleep he knows who needs comfort the most. 

"Maybe we could take him out once in a while so he won't be despreate to swim away" Boss suggested.

Rainbow nodded in agreement, "Maybe then he could see how much we love him without him thinking elsewise."

Boss nodded with a small smile, he doesn't want to endanger his Luna's life, not again. Shark doesn't fully know the truth, heck not even their families knew the truth about the marriage. Truth be told, they were going to court the human when he turn of age, take it all slow. That was the plan until threats were made on Shark's life and someone slipped something into their drinks making them go yandere for Shark. Even after the person who continued to do so was caught, but nether Boss or Rainbow apologize or explained the situation.

"Rainbow, I think we should tell him" Boss said, "It isn't fair that we keep all of this hidden from him"

The mermaid signed then played with some of Shark's hair, "I know, but you know how he gets. Remember the last relation he was in? That girl broke his heart and if he finds out it was a silly potion that made us yandere for him, he will think we never love him just like she did! Boss, I don't want to see him like that ever again"

"I know, I know, I don't ever want to see that broken look on his face if I could avoid it" Boss signed, "The truth will come out, but coming from us will hurt him less than it come from someone else."

"But no one else knows except for us and..." Rainbow stopped.

"The one who did it" Boss finished.

"Well he's in prision and who would believe him?" 

Before Boss could answer, Shark sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Where?" The human mubbled.

Rainbow pulled his Luna back onto his chest, "Home little star"

Boss pressed himself against Shark's back, "Back where you're safe and sound angelfish"

"What happened? Where are those things?" Shark asked worriedly making the two sea creatures hold the half-human closer.

"Don't worry about them, we took care of them" Boss said. 

"Why did they do that though? I didn't do anything" Shark whimpered, thinking back to what they did to him and what that siren almost did to him.

Sensing their Luna's distress, the two did what could to comfort him by giving him small kisses or whispering comforting words in his ear. Shark felt a warmth form in him from these small guestures, knowing that it was them touching him instead of anyone else made Shark feel more safe than he ever was. For the first time in a long time, they were in each other arms without fear or worry. 

"We're sorry our dear Luna, we promised that no one with ill intentions would lay a hand on you" Rainbow said, "we failed you"

"You didn't" Shark said in a tired voice, "You saved me, you saved me, my kings...."

Boss and Rainbow's heart stop then look at each other; their Luna called them kings, he acknowledged them. 

"Looks like our boys will be taking our place soon"

The princes seen that their fathers and mothers floated outside their room, proud smiles on thier faces. In the sea world, when the chosen Luna acknowledges the one they were wedded to, that means they are ready to rule. Matters not the age or what others think, when a Luna acknowledges, the time is right. 

Boss' mother nodded, "You two will make our kingdoms proud"

"We will mother " Boss smiled.

"Make sure you don't forget who you are wedded to" Rainbow's mom said with a sad smile, "lose the one who acknowledged you, you lose everything"

"Yes mama" Rainbow nodded and held Shark closer, "we'll never forget."

Boss' mom pipped up, "We must celebrate this!"

"Yes we do!" Rainbow's dad agreed with his wife nodding excitedly.

Unfortunately for Boss' dad, he was the only nonroyal in the family aside from Shark and has yet to understand the need to have huge celebration. 

"All I can say, I finally have someone who is normal in this family" Boss' dad signed then look at his son and son-in-law, "Don't corrupt him with all of this royalty, I won't be able to stand beign the only sane one here"


"Morgan, as much as I love you, a man can only endure so much of this before going crazy" Dan dead pad.

The three laughed nervously as they left their sons' room leaving the married trio alone, silently laughing at their parents' childness. Once they calmed down, Rainbow asked, 

"Do, do you think we're ready?"

"I don't know to be honest" Boss replied, "but if Shark thinks we are then we are"

The red haired smiled, "Right"


I did not know how to end this so yeah.

Word count: 1084

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