LucasLess Part 2

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Yandere Siren Faceless x TheLSpike

Requested by MelissaC3000

I'm taking requests for Rainbow Quest.  


Faceless laid the unconscious blonde on a small island so he would not get sick from being in the cold water. The shape-shifting siren swam around the island, taking in all the blonde's features, ignoring the wetness: blonde hair that shines like gold (budder); beautiful, untouched, milky skin; and, from the surface, he still has those crystal blue that Faceless could see his reflection in. He was as beautiful as he was when Faceless first met the boy.


(Flashback. Lucas is 5)

Faceless swam around the waters near a beach to find his next victim, well his next meal. Soon he spotted a little blonde boy playing by himself with the closest adult being several feet away. The siren turned into the boy's loved one, his mother, and swim closer. The boy looked up hearing a splash and seen a man coming closer.

"Hi mister!" The boy smiled, "What's your name?"

"H-How...?" Faceless was taken aback, how did this boy see through his disguise? Composing himself, he answered, "I'm Faceless and you?"

"I'm Lucas" The blonde smiled.

The two talked for some time before Lucas' mom called for him meaning he had to go. Though he promised to come back so they could play which Faceless responded that he will be waiting. From then on, Lucas and Faceless met for months. The shapeshifter became possessive of the boy, every time Lucas came, he had the urge to touch him in some way. Either by holding his hand or moving a strain of blonde hair from his eyes. When Lucas had to leave, Faceless would pull him into a hug and take in his scent before releasing him. Thoughts about how and why the blue-eyed boy could see him were pushed away as he enjoyed being in his presence.

One day Lucas did not come, this made Faceless go into predatorial mode, something that the boy manage to keep at bay. The siren soon found a man floating out in the ocean, he did his route of tricking people and getting a good meal. Faceless turned into a woman, one that he turned into once before: Lucas' mother.

"M-Morgan?" The man, Daniel, spoke.

"Yes, it's me my love" Faceless said in Morgan's voice, "Come here my dear, I want to take a closer look at you"

Dan walked closer, just as he was a few feet apart, he dropped a photo in exchange to pull Morgan (Faceless) into a hug. Faceless looked at the photo and seen it had his little one. That is when it hit him, Daniel is Lucas' father. A sickening plan formed in Faceless' head, something that will allow him to keep the precious blonde. It was a rule that creatures of the sea could not bring a human to the depths; however, if a deal is made by a relative of the wanted human then the creature can take him/her once the conditions are met. The only rule was the human cannot be under any influence, must be done willingly.

With a snap of his fingers, Dan was freed from his hypnotized and when he realized it wasn't his wife he was hugging, but a creature. Quickly, Dan swim back to get away making Faceless chuckle.

"W-Who are you?"

"Someone who will either kill you or let you live. Tell my Daniel, do you wish to see your family?" Faceless asked holding the picture of Dan, Morgan, and Lucas, "If so, then let's make a deal"

"A-A deal?"

"Yes, I'll let you go free if you give me your son"

Dan's eyes widened, "Wh-What? Give you my son?! No! Never!"

"Oh? Then you prefer if the boy grew up without a father?" Faceless ask, "Pretty selfish"

"I-I" Dan shook his head, "Why are you interested in my son?! You're a monster and he's just a little boy"

"I have my reasons, now, do you wish to live and watch your son grow or never seen him or your lovely wife again"

It took some convincing, but Dan agreed for the siren to let him live and take his son years later. Selfish as it was, Dan love his family and wants to be with them until he died, but the price of doing so would be his son.


(Flashback end)

"Foolish human he was" Faceless said out loud, stroking Lucas' hair, "He could have said no and fought, but a coward will choose the cowardly way out. A temporary fix you know; now he lost his son and soon his wife."

"Mm" Lucas groaned.

"There we go little one, open those eyes of yours"

Soon Faceless saw those beautiful crystal blue eyes.


"No little one"

"Faceless?" Lucas slowly sat up, but was pushed down by Faceless, "Where's my mom and dad?"

"You don't need to worry about them little one, you're here with me forever"

Lucas' eyes widened and tried to move away from the shape-shifter siren, but the hand on his chest prevents him. Faceless chuckled at the blonde's failed attempt to escape, he was so adorable.

"I-I want m-my mom and d-dad" Lucas whimpered.

"I understand your mother, but it's your father who made the deal for me to take you" Faceless told Lucas the truth.

"W-What?" Tears pooled in Lucas' eyes.

"Yes, he did, he traded your life for his. He chose to live his life while you live yours here" The siren then started to bend the truth, the less Lucas believes in his family, the more he'll depend on him for the truth.

"W-Why would d-dad do t-that?" Lucas hiccupped.

Faceless pulled Lucas off the small island to his chest and held the crying boy.

"He told your mother yesterday" Now it was time for Faceless to destroy the little boy's heart, "She agreed to it so she and your father could be together"

That was it, that was all it took to break Lucas heart and cried on Faceless who held him and rubbed his back to calm him.

"Don't worry Lucas" Faceless said in Lucas' hair, "You don't need them, all you need is me little one"


Word count: 1043

Requests remaining: 25

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