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Void Steve x Elemental Steve

Requested by MelyC95

I didn't know what to do for this so I went with the short and sweet route.


The last thing Elemental remembered was him sacrificing himself to fix his mistake that costed him everything he cared for. He expected to wake up in the Spirit World, but he woke up in an unknown place instantly feeling his injuries. Elemental whimpered from the pain and tried not to let out a sound to alert anyone, but he didn't have to do that as he heard the door open.

"I see you're awake" A deep voice said.

Elemental tried to see who it was, but his injuries prevented him from moving much. All he could do was listen to the person's footsteps as they got closer to him until he seen the person above him.

"W-Who are you?"

The person shook his head and mumble something that Elemental couldn't here before taking stuff out of the medical kit he had with him.

"C-Can you repeat that?"

"I'm not surprise you don't remember me" He said treating the Steve's wounds, "Your younger didn't recongize me so I expected the same thing as you"

"Who are you and how do you know Time?"

"I rather not say who or how yet. This is going to sting a bit."

Elemental hissed feeling the alcohol and antibiotics on his wounds then felt band aids being applied on him. When the Steve was done, he put the remainder medical stuff aside and look at Elemental.

"My name is Void" He said.

"Um, nice to met you Void, but how did you save me? There was no way anyone could save me" the injuried Steve signed and looked away, "Though I don't deserve to be saved, not after everything I've done to my brother."

Void didn't say a word or did anything to comfort the mentally hurting Steve.

"All becasue I wanted to figure out who our creatures were. I'm just a mistake"

Elemental turned when he heard Void getting up from beside him and walk out of the room, but before he exited, Void said.

"The only mistake is me for leaving my sons behind becasue of my selfish self and silly grudge with the person I should have loved and cared for. The person who doesn't deserve to be saved is me, not my son who suffered the consciences of my mistake"

After that, Void left the room, closing the door behind him and leaving Elemental. 



Word count: 394

Requests remaining: 24

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