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Blue Steve x Moosecraft

Requested by VanaTheDevilishAngel

I know I'm going to it, but forgive me if I put Mouse or Mosse accidently.

Thank you to the person who gave me this prompt on Discord, I do not know how to refer you as

Prompt: Moose wanders around the woods and spot an mostly covered with lapis, lapis ore, blue wool, cave. He then gets very curious as to see what is inside, so he goes in quietly. Then he sees Blue, he then gets closer to him and then tests if Steve can see or hear him, he tried to break blocks under the Steve. The Steve didn't flinch. Then Moose got closer to the Blue Steve, he then looked into it's eyes and the Steve then moved. Moose got scared and was about to run but then he got frozen in place


It was another day in the Steve World for Moose who was gathering resources that he and the boys will need next time they go up against a Steve. So far he mined some cobblestone, iron ore, coal, and some gold but no diamonds unfortunately. The mining trip went from early in the morning to almost dusk, that's when Moose appeared from a cave tired yet happy with his find.

'I need to ask Shark or Nathan for a massage or something' Moose thought after wincing from stretching, 'Man I'm stiff'

After eating a late lunch, Moose grab his satchel and heading home where those others should be waiting for him. As he walk the route he took each time to the caves, the brunet noticed something that wasn't there earlier or any other time Moose walk here. It was a cave, but some of the stone was replaced with lapis blocks and blue wool.

Moose recongize the blocks as signs of a Blue Steve nearby, or in this case in the cave like many others. Even though him and friends agreed not to go into creepy caves with random blocks, Moose couldn't help but to go into the creepy cave with random blocks, quietly. The deeper Moose went, the more blue items he seen mixed in with the surrounding stone: glass panes, glass, ice, lapis, wool, etc. 

'There's a lot more stuff in here than any other Blue Steve cave we seen'  Moose thought.

Soon the human neared the end of the cave where he found the Steve as the end is where they usually are. Instead of marking this on his map and head back to the rest to tell them what he found as they all agreed to, Moose decided to see if he can get a reaction from the Steve. 

Moose walk next to the Steve, "Hey man, can you hear me?"

No answer

"Uh, hello?!" Moose waved his hand in front of the Blue Steve's face

No reaction

"Hmmm" The human mined the blocks below the being.

No movement

"Oh come on man!" Moose groaned then placed the blocks back just in case he accidently falls in, which there was always a high chance of him doing to.

Signing, Moose sat against a wall as his legs were tired from standing for so long along with previous activities. Grabbing a bottle of water from his satchel, Moose drank half of it then ate the rest of his beef sandwhich he didn't finish earlier. Ever so often, the brunet would glance at the Steve to see if it moved any.

"Guess you're not moving at all" Moose signed after finishing eating.

The human marked the place on his map then put all of his stuff away. Before he left, Moose wanted to check one more thing, something his chicken onesie friend told him about. Moose got in front of the Blue Steve and look into its eyes. That's when the being decided to move, scaring the Nether out of the human. 

Moose would have jump, but there was a problem: he couldn't.

 'What in the?!' Moose thought as he found he couldn't say anything, only move his head a bit which was good as the Steve started to move around him.

The Steve slowly floated around Moose, observing the human then stopped when they were face-to-face once again. Randomly, the Blue Steve touched Moose's right shoulder which the latter reacted by flinching. Earlier he had an encounter with a skeleton and one of its arrows went through his shoulder. Luckily he packed health potions to heal him to the point it was tolerable; however, that doesn't mean it hurt when it is touched. Another good thing is that he brought an extra onesie, well, thankfully Nathan packed one for him.

Noticing the pain in the human's eyes, the Blue Steve pulled his hand away quickly with a confused expression and a frown.

'Man that hurts!' Moose shouted in his head, wanting so bad to scream and clutch his should in pain or chug down a health potion, a regeneration potion would be more preferable.

 The Blue Steve then started to do something weird: moving side-to-side, nodding and shaking his head, moving his left arm. It only took Moose a moment to realize what was happening, this is the same thing that happened to Sabre when he was dealing with a Blue Steve. Moose became scared that he would be forced to do something as punishment for disturbing it. No matter how much the human fought, he couldn't win and soon the Steve had full control of his body, though that didn't mean he stopped. Even when the being walk with Moose behind, the human did not stop. 

Soon the two arrived at a lake well under the cave and Moose thought this would be the end of Moose M. Craft as the Blue Steve made him stand at the edge of the lake. Then the weirdest thing happened, the Steve walk in the water that went pass his knees then took Moose's hand to help him sit in the water. Instantly, Moose felt himself loosen up as though everything he felt earlier had went away. 

"This feels nice" Moose signed in relief, that's when he realized he was no longer controlled.

Moose was about to say something when he felt a hand on his injured shoulder, well use-to-be injured shoulder. He couldn't believe this, a Steve who he never met and has been annoying for the past 45 minutes was healing him. Looking at the Steve, Moose shyly said,

"Uh, thanks man, I mean Steve heh. You really helped me a lot" He ended with a smile.

The Steve nodded as he sat next to Moose and played with the water by making mini waves, small whirlpools, or miniature water figures. It was quite for the next several minutes, this with the feeling of relaxing made the brunet feel drowsy and before Moose knew it, he fell asleep.


"How did he even end up there?"

"Man, he owns me for worrying so much!"

"But how did he get here? His communicator didn't show he was here"

"That's odd, hang on I think he's waking up"

Moose opened his eyes to meet with two worried pairs, "Where am I?"

"Home" Shark said as he help Moose sit up, "We were worried when we couldn't track you"

"We found you under some birch trees nearby" Nathan said, "Moose, it doesn't even seem you went mining but you're satchel was filled with a lot of stuff, I never seen so many diamonds at once!"

"Diamonds? I didn't mine any of those" Moose said.

Sure enough when Nathan pulled out Moose's satchel, there was almost a stack of diamonds among with the rest of the stuff he remember mining.

Shark then asked the question all three of them thought, "Moose what happened?"


Word count: 1302

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