BlueMoose Part 2

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Requested by Alphawolf00001


Moose stared at his stachel, among everything he has mined was one of the most valuable material ever. Never has he seen that much unless it was the three of them saving and combining after weeks of mining.

"Moose?" Shark asked.

"I-I don't know, I just-" Moose ran his hand through his hair, "C-Can you guys give me a moment? Please?"

"Sure, we'll be in living room if you need anything" Nathan said before pulling Shark out with him to give Moose some time to think.

When the door closed, the brunet look at his bag once again in disbelief. Even though he should be happy about his new found riches, keeping them doesn't feel right and the human knew exactly what to do with them but first he needs to tell the others what happened. Internally signing, Moose changed out of his dirty clothes into a new set, put on his satchel then went out his room to the others who were currently playing chess.

Shark was the first to notice Moose, "Oh hey man, what's up?"

Moose took a seat, "Guys, first off, I didn't mine those diamonds, I believe they were given to me"

"Given to you?!" Both shouted.

"Y-Yeah" Moose winced a bit from their shouting, "After mining, I found a cave with all sorts of blue items around and in it"

"Please don't tell me you went in" Shark begged.

"I went in" Moose sheepishly said and continued before ether could speak, "And, um, remember what Sabre told us one time after meeting a Blue Steve?"

That's when everything broke loose, Shark and Nathan went into brotherly/parental mode; asking questions from if he was okay or got any injuries to calling him an idiot for even going into the cave in the first place. All though this Moose turned bright red as it was him who would do this as he was older and usually the most mature (and that was saying something). 

"Okay, okay! I get it!" Moose groan getting the two to stop, "But anyways! After that Blue Steve took control, it lead me to an underground lake and I thought he would lead me to my death but he just went far enough in to sit down in. Apparently the lake has some healing properties and healed all of my injuries."

"That's....that's the nicest thing I heard from a Steve first meeting a human" Shark said, recalling his previous encounters.

"And he gave you all of those diamonds?" Nathan asked.

Moose nodded, "Yeah, but it doesn't feel right just to take them so I'm going to return them."

Even though the amount of diamonds in Moose's satchel could get them a lot, it's how they get them is the point. The best part of being an adventurer/miner/etc is finding the treasure at the end.

"Want us to come?"

"Nah, I'm good besides, from what I remember, Steves don't like groups" Moose chuckled then added, "No matter how odd they are"

The younger two nodded then wished the brunet luck as he left their home, both hoped Moose comes back safe and the Steve won't do anything to him.


It didn't take long to find the Blue Steve's cave, however, it was odd how it was found; it was as though the Blue Steve wanted Moose to come back. Moose had started to walk in the general direction of the cave when he seen blue items on the ground. Out of curiosity he had followed the blocks and it lead him to where he was aiming towards.

As quite as he could, Moose entered the cave and look around for any signs of the Steve until he reaches the area the entity was originally to see he was there. The human took a deep breath before walking to the Steve who didn't pay him any attention just like previously.

"U-Uh, hey man, um, thanks for earlier for healing me and not killing me instead heh" Moose said a bit awkwardly, "Um, I wasn't planning to come back so soon but I seen what you put in my bag. As amazing it is to have all these diamonds, I can't accept them."


"I-I'm going to put them here alright?" 

Once again receiving no answer, Moose signed and set the bag down filled with diamonds then made his way out of the cave. Before the human could exit the room, he felt a familiar feeling, the same feeling he felt when the Blue Steve first took control of him.

'Not this again?!' Moose screamed in his head.

Having no control of his actions anymore, the human was force to walk back to the being until he was right in front of him. The Steve's expression remained unchanging but Moose could see a hint of sadness in his dark blue eyes. Like last time, the Steve lead Moose to the underground lake then helping him in. The whole time the human was thinking of what was happening and what is the being will do to him. Once in the water, the Blue Steve made water figures and Moose felt ignored but he couldn't do anything, he wasn't the one in control.

After sometime, the Steve took a deep breath and let it out, "I....I'm s-sorry"

"Huh?" Moose asked, he was more surprise that the Steve talk instead of regaining  control of his body once again.

"I-It's been s-so long" The Steve then went into a coughing fit.

"Hey, take it easy" Moose said as he rubbed the Steve's back to sooth him.

Once done, the Steve gave Moose a sad look, he couldn't talk without painful consequences. As an alternative way, he made water figures to show the human what he wanted to say.

First scene: A group, more than likely Steves Moose presumed.
Second scene: All disappeared slowly until one remained.
Third scene: A cave and the lone figure from before with other figures.

Moose put a hand on the Steve's shoulder, he figured where this is going and, by the looks of it, he doesn't want to continue. They stayed silent for a few minutes until Moose decided to ask the other.

"Did, did you give me the diamonds as though that would make come back for more?"

Ashamed, the Steve nodded and made a circular motion with the front of his fist on his chest, the sign for sorry. The human waved him off, telling him that there was no need to be sorry, that he would have come back if the Steve asked/signed.  To make the being happier, Moose suggested that he could bring his friends so the Blue Steve would get more visitors, and some of them could break the curse he is under. Overcome by happiness, the Steve pulled Moose into a bone-crushing hug that make the human gasp for air. Coughing, Moose pat the Steve's back and lightly chuckled.

"A-Alright can't b-breath"

The Steve quickly pulled away and gave the human a sadden look to which Moose laughed off. The two stayed in the water for a bit longer before Moose said he had to go but quickly promised he'll be back with others once he seen the Steve's glossy blue eyes. 

Walking back to the room above, the Steve attempted to give Moose a bag of diamonds but was met with refusal.

"Thanks, but I already found a better treasure" Moose smiled before leaving the cave once again with thoughts of coming back soon as promised.


Word count: 1250

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