FavreRainbowSpike Part 3

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Request and prompt by Angel_Rain2  Romantic Meal on the Beach. Rent a Boat for a Day (or evening!) on the WaterPartake in Watersports.Walk Along the Beach.Scavenger Hunt on the Beach.

I cut out some of these as I don't know how to write them/don't have the motivation to do so, but still a sweet like story


"Yes!" Rainbow shouted and hugged his now boyfriends who hug him back with the same joy.

"I'm so happy that you accepted us" Sabre grinned.

"We were so worried that you would reject us or reject one and accept that other" Lucas signed in relief.

Without warning, the humans were pushed away just enough for Rainbow could see their faces before saying, "Why would I reject either of you? Both of you are kind, smart and brave, why wouldn't I love that?"

Looking at each other, Lucas then explained.

"Bow, we both have our share of disappointment throughout our lives. Long story short, we have our issues: I've been alone for so long and relapse if left alone, Sabre has abandonment issues as you know and they've only gotten worse over the  years" Lucas signs, "Despite all of you thinking we're strong, we are still humans and emotional damage will destroy us"

"That's why we hid our feelings for so long, it wasn't just the fear of you rejecting us, it was the fear that you accepting one of us" Sabre pulled on his sleeve.

"Sabre, Lucas" Rainbow brought them back into a hug, "I'm sorry I made both of you feel that way"

Lucas chuckled, "It wasn't you, but that doesn't matter right now, we're together and that's all that matters"

"I love you both" Sabre kissed both of his boyfriends on the cheek, Lucas smirk and Rainbow blushed a deeper shade of red.

"M-Me, too" Rainbow stuttered, "So, uh, what now?"

"I have a few ideas" Lucas smirk at Sabre who chuckled.

"Take Rainbow, I'll let you know when everything is ready" Sabre kissed both of them once again before leaving the room.

The Steve was about to ask what Sabre meant by 'ready' when Lucas grabbed his hand to lead him outside. 

"Lucas? What are you two planning?"

All Rainbow got from his boyfriend was a mischief smile and 'it's a surprise'. They ended up on a  beach where Lucas told Rainbow to sit down before taking out a blanket from his satchel and laid it out then proceed to set out other things. Meanwhile Rainbow, seeing that he would have to wait for answers, message Light on his communicator.

Rainbow: Light, u there?

Light: Hey Bow, what's up?

Rainbow: (Tells them the whole ordeal)

Light: Congratulations! I'm so happy that you three finally got together!

Rainbow: U know?!

Light: Sabre is my dad -_-

Rainbow: right, forgot 

Light: That explains why Plague has been clingy to Dark more than usual.

Rainbow: Heh?

Light: Plague's been trying to get with Dark for a long time... That potion was to bring out Dark's true feelings like it did for dad and Lucas, but Nightmare made sure to destroy any and all research.

Rainbow: I don't know whither to  be thankful for him or not.

Light: Not, he did it know they had a crush on you and wanted to see a fight.

Rainbow: Tell Dark to punch him for me

Light: Will do
Light: Got to go, Dark got a stick and chasing Plague
Light: I swear to Notch, because of you, so many Steves fear sticks

Rainbow: As they should >:D
Rainbow: Night Light

Light: Night Bow

"Hey Rainbow!" Lucas called out, "Come over here"

Rainbow put his communicator away then went over to Lucas and noticed the picnic-like set up. Sabre was there in an ender pearl throw, scaring the life out of the Steve and made Lucas jump.

"Gah! Sabre don't do that!" Rainbow scold and lightly slapped the brunet.

"Not cool man" Lucas glared.

Sabre rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry, but I didn't want us to eat cold food"

As he said that, he placed homemade food on the blanket that made both males drool. For as long as Lucas could remember, Sabre has always been a good cook, better than him and was so thankful to have him as his friend, well boyfriend now.

"Dig in" Sabre grinned and the two did as told happily.

The trio had small conversations as they ate, laughing at stories of the past and exchanging flirts once awhile. Once everyone was happily full, the humans put the items in their satchels  then went to join Rainbow.

"Can we walk a bit?" Rainbow asked, unknowingly giving them puppy eyes.

"Sure" Sabre grinned and intertwine his hands with one of his boyfriends' hands then started to walk.

It was quiet, not an awkward one, but a peaceful one. Rainbow still couldn't believe that his two best friends became his boyfriends just because of a dumb potion. He always liked them, especially Lucas, but he couldn't tell them after hearing their confession and he couldn't do that to Sabre. As for Sabre and Lucas, they were perfectly happy on how things turn out; they like each other romantically for some time but they love Rainbow more so everything worked out in their favor.

After some time, they came to a stop and Lucas held Rainbow's other hand.

"I want to thank you so much for accepting us, both of us" Lucas smiled.

"You don't know how long we wanted to tell you, guess what Plague helped us more than we thought, well except Lucas and I fight" Sabre let out a halfhearted laugh, "Sorry Lu"

 The blonde shrugged, "Wasn't anyone's fault but I do agree, Plague did help, but that wouldn't excuse him from that hit"

The last part Lucas look at Rainbow with a smirk to which the Steve giggled and leaving Sabre confused. 

"As much as I hate to admit it, Plague did do a good thing; I got two boyfriends out of the deal" Rainbow grinned and kissed one of their cheeks, "Love you two"

"Us too Bow" Sabre and Lucas said at the same time


Word Count: 1023

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