FavremyOrange Part 2

847 19 9

Requested by MicroLNDarkBlossom27AmethystAnonymous19

Prompts and fan art really help. Thanks discord once again!


Sabre was walking back to his and Orange's home after talking to Gerald. Today was a great day as they got the purple crystal and Gerald gave him a high five. Both events were the best and he couldn't wait to have Orange's famous beef and carrot. Though the Steve says it wasn't good as Sabre's cooking, the brunet refuse to believe that and complement him every time. Upon entering the house, the brunet could already smell the delicious food.

"Hey Orange" Sabre greeted when he spotted him in the kitchen.

"H-Hi Sabre" Orange grinned.

Immediately, Sabre sensed something off about his friend and asked if he was okay.

"I'm fine, just happy that we got the purple crystal" The Steve smiled as he put the food on the table before sitting down followed by Sabre.

Once the two started eating, Sabre is once again amazed at his friend's cooking, "Orange, this is great, did you use something new?"

"I did" 

"What is it? I don't know how to describe it" Sabre ask, not noticing Orange getting up and walking to him.

"Just something I got when we went to visit the Purple Steves" Orange was now behind the human.

Sabre noticed this and turned his head, "Um, Orange? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong" The Steve wrap his arms around Sabre, pinning his arms to his sides.

"O-Orange" Sabre said, "Wh-What are you d-doing?!"

The Steve didn't say anything, he lead down and kiss Sabre's neck. The human struggled against the Steve's grip, trying to get away before this goes too far.

"You can't escape me Sabre" Orange whispered in his ear, "Not now, not ever"

Sabre felt his strength leave him and soon fell limp, Orange then picked him up bridal style. The smaller couldn't do anything, all he could do was let the Steve do as he wishes.

"Mine" Orange giggled, "All mine. My little hope"

"W-Why are d-doing this?"

"Oh Sabre, I'm doing this so you won't get hurt. This world is not safe for someone like you" Orange said, "I'm going to protect you, I'm going to show you how much I love you"

"L-Love?" Sabre said as he started to drift off to sleep.

"I love you Sabre, always have, always will. You'll see how much I do"


When Sabre woke up, he found that he was tied to a chair in the vault they kept the crystals, but it seems he was in a different room. Failing to struggle out of his bindings, Sabre signed, that's when he realized his mouth was covered.

"I see you're awake little hope"

Sabre's eyes shoot up to see Orange smiling at him, a smile that sent shivers down his spine. The Steve walk to him, his eyes trained on the human's own. Sabre tried to talk, hoping thatOrange would get the hint and remove what ever is covering his mouth. Unfortunately for him, Orange just giggled and stood behind the tied up male then drape himself over him.

"Sorry love, but I can't take that off you, not with the chance of you screaming" Orange went closer to Sabre's ear, "Though I much rather have you screaming my name while I have my with you in bed"

The Steve then bit Sabre's ear getting a muffled groan.

"You're so cute" Orange cooed.

Sabre said something and one again struggle against his bindings, hoping to break free before anything else happens.

"Oh Sabre" Orange nuzzled his head in Sabre's neck, "I told you, you can't escape me. You're mine Sabre, you're my little hope"

The human shook his head and started to thrash while screaming. Orange pulled away so he wouldn't get hit by the brunet's head. Growling, he took out a syringe from his pocket and stuck it in Sabre's arm making the other flinch.

"Sorry my hope, but I don't want you to hurt yourself" Orange said, petting Sabre's head, "When you wake, you'll be calmer"

Soon Sabre felt asleep and Orange continued to hug him from behind. 

"I didn't want to do that" Orange said, "But I couldn't see let you get hurt." 

Using his hand to turn Sabre's head, Orange rub his thumb over his lips before pushing pass them into his mouth. Leaning in Orange capture those sweet lips. One hand went to hold the back of the brunet's head and the other went on his cheek. He dreamed of this for a long time, now he's experiencing it, though it would be better if Sabre was awake. Pulling away, Orange smiled with love in his eyes.

'When you wake, I'll show you how much I love you' Orange nuzzled Sabre's neck once again, inhaling his scent, 'Even if you don't return my feelings, I'll just make you love me'

Orange's eyes glance on the vial filled with the love potion he was going to give Sabre previously. That was plan B if Sabre doesn't love him willingly, Orange hoped that it won't come to that, but he'll do what he has to get his little hope. 

"Please wake up soon, I want to hear your voice" Orange said, "I want to show you how I feel about you"


Word count: 883

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