His Assistant

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Pre-Nightmare Steve (Derek)  x The Assistant (Hikari)

Rainbow Quest

Just something I want to see something. Derek was the first guy name that came to me and Hikari means something.

Edit: I meant Hikari, not Kari though it is a nickname.


Before he was Nightmare Steve, before he was infected by the darkness, he was Derek. A knight for the Yellow Steve King and lived with his wonderful boyfriend Hikari, or Kari for short, who meant everything to him. Derek was King Yellow's most trustful knight and was put in charge of the Yellow crystal which he hide in a safe location. As for Kari, he was there for him every time he wanted someone to hear his ideas or complaints about their King. He was Derek's rock. 

One day while Derek was out in the woods looking for resources, he got infected by the darkness. He felt it take control of him, making him turn into a puppet. The one thing that kept Derek from falling into the darkness was the yellow crystal in his possession. Though the crystal saved him, the darkness corrupted his mind, made him think of things he never thought of. 

Later that night, Derek had snuck back to his home, only to meet a worried Kari.

"Derek!" Kari cried out and hug his boyfriend, not noticing his changes, "Where were you? I was so worried that something horrible happened to you"

The Yellow Steve said nothing as he hugged back the worried Steve.

"Kari, do you love me? Do you love me enough to stay by my side no matter what?"

"Of course I do. Why would you even ask?"

"I want to over through the Yellow King"

Kari pulled away just a bit, "Why? He's a good king, he keeps us safe"

"He is, but he won't be able to protect us against the darkness; he's too weak and the weak will fall"

"I don't know Derek, there will be those who will reject and I don't want you to get hurt" Kari said worriedly, he didn't like how his boyfriend was acting, something was off about him.

"All will be fine, our people will listen to me. I shall become king and you will become my lovely assistant"

"I have my doubts, but I trust you Derek, I'll follow you"

Mistake 1

Once Derek over through the Yellow King, Kari finally saw the corruption taking control. No longer was he the sweet and loyal Steve he knew all his life, but he become cruel and ruthless to his subjects. Kari was afraid to voice his opinion and only agreed with his king. He could no longer call him his boyfriend, he was just a pawn to him, but that didn't stop Kari from loving him any less. He knows that the Steve he loves was still in there as he would trust him with important tasks like handling the Orange Crystal.

Mistake 2

Though that didn't comfort him, he wanted to ask the human and Orange Steve for help, but he knows the Nightmare King would end his life. 

Mistake 3

After Kari switch the fake Orange Crystal with a fake Orange Crystal that won't explode with Orange and Sabre, Nightmare had asked for his assisstance. The Steve he loved with all of his heart, who he had given everything to and been loyal from day one, wanted Kari to become a host for the darkness. Orange and Sabre were near and Sabre comfronted Nightmare, telling him what he was about to do was wrong. Kari smiled, he was thankful there were people like him in this world to stop the Darkness.

Ignoring the human and the Orange Steve's protests and went into the machine. This made Nightmare smirk in a way saying he has won. Just as Nightmare flipped the lever, Kari said, 

"I'll always love you, Derek"

Then there was darkness.

Your out.

The insanity of Nightmare's laughter was heard through out the castle. He expected the human to argue against him, tell him what he had done was wrong, and that's what he got. Now he sits in his room, waiting for the attack to begin when his new servant, Dark, appeared.

"The Darkness approaches, they'll be here soon"

"Exclant" Nightmare chuckled, "Everythig is going exactly to plan, right HiKari"

"Who is HiKari?" Dark asked confused.

"You, the Steve you were fused with, Kari"

"Oh, him. He's no longer here"


"When you fused us, he was erased from existence, he is just a body for me to use. Everything about HiKari the Yellow Steve is gone and there is no getting him back" Dark then excused himself to check if preperations were complete. 

Nightmare at there, unable to comprehead these thoughts in his head and the feelings he felt.

'Why, why do I feel sad? He was just a mere servant. A pawn'

'But he was more before you were curropted. He was someone who love and care for you'

'No, he was nothing'

'He was everything'


'Everything! He was everything to us! He was our light! Our love! And you killed him!'

"No!" Nightmare screamed standing up.

The king breathed heavily, tears feel from his eyes, "H-He was, was"

Falling to his knees, Nightmare sobbed in his hands, "What have I done?"


Word count: 865

Requests remaining: 24

You Decide - Steve Saga(3) & Rainbow QuestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang