Our Little Boy Part 5

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Requested by Itzcrystall0816EndQueen

Thank you for the prompt Mightymiss: Shark has pass out and GS in really angry, and yell at rain and I rain to never come back. The two wait for Shark to wake up. The have Shark take the the yellow bye memories, so they can raise him, not only does it drags him to 3 it also makes him haft Shark. Now they have to raid Shark and their craving for human and eels. Shark end up getting out and over to the beach are the Aunt and uncle are looking for him. Shark go up and attack them. Gs and boss mange to track Shark sent and find him. The siren police come and try to kill Shark, Gs and boss kill them and take Shark leavening the uncle and the anut on the beach, the take him back ho and ground him, Shark is sad hungry boi

I'm changing up the potions since they were pretty much the same btw

1981 words in: I'm going to make this into two parts if someone wants a sixth part
2000 words in: I'm just going to do the whole thing
2030 words in: Ahh I'll make a 6th part


While Shark slept, Boss and GS couldn't shake of the guilt and worry that they had for their little boy. Guilty for making him cry and worry that he'll chose to go back instead of staying with them. They couldn't lose him, they would lose their sanity before they would let him go. Rainbow had given them two potions, two chances:

The blue one would erase the memories that relate to certain events. Side effect is the chance of Shark forgetting everything or the chance of him permanently remembering everything.

The yellow one would randomly age Shark between 1 and 8, erasing any memories at that point. Side effect is certain tasks might be hard for him to do like understanding how to read or write. Another is his personality won't be the same and easily molded by actions done around him. 

They were leaning towards the latter as they will still have their little boy, probably not the desired age and had the chance of becoming disabled, but it's better than the chance of Shark remembering what they are and had done. Boss tried to get more information from Rainbow but the mermaid kept his mouth closed, only saying they need to chose before Shark wakes up. Rainbow felt bad for the human child and wanted to help him get back to his life, but the consequence would be GS and Boss' sanity; something he couldn't bare to witness.

"Have you decided?" Rainbow asked the two sirens who were holding the little human.

"Yes, we'll take the chance with yellow potion" GS said, "I can work around the side effects, but the chance of him remembering everything, I can imagine seeing the look on his face again."

Rainbow look at Boss and got a nod as an answer, "Alright, but be careful, his personality will be shaped by your actions"

"We know Rainbow, just give it to him!" Boss snapped, "I want my brother to wake up happy, not scared of us!"

Not flinching at the siren's tone, Rainbow pulled out a bottle with yellow liquid, "Alright, here, but just to let you know, I'm going to be visiting often to observe and-"

"Rainbow!" This time it was GS who snapped, he wanted his little boy.

Knowing he had a few minutes before his head would be torn from his body, the mermaid walk to Shark and poured some of the potion into his mouth. Within seconds Shark got smaller until he was only on GS's lap and work up once the regression stopped.

"Mmmm" Shark opened his eyes to met with GS's, "Daddy?"

"Hello baby" GS smiled, "How are you feeling?"

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