(2) PlagueLucas

491 5 4

Yandere Plague Steve x TheLSpike

Requested by MelissaC3000

Plague is a doctor while Lucas is a patient.


It was another day at the doctor's office for Lucas, this makes the second time this week and fifth time this month. A few weeks ago, Lucas caught a something that would not go away so he went to visit a friend of his who is a doctor. Unfortunately, what Plague gave him only helped for a bit before he got sick.

When Lucas came in, he went straight into Plague's office knowing that he had no one else in today.

"Good morning Lucas" Plague smiled at his blonde friend.

"Hey Plague" Lucas smiled back and sat on the bed in there while Plague got his stuff ready to check on him.

"Still feeling unwell?"

Lucas nodded, "Yeah, same symptoms, but less. At least my coughing and sore throat are gone."

"That's good" Plague said writing something on his clipboard, "Can I do a check up on you? It's almost time"


"Alright, take off your shirt and lay down" Plague ordered before leaving to grab something.

The younger did as told and waited for Plague to get back which wasn't long as he was back within five minutes. The doctor started with hearing his heart beat, Lucas shivered feeling the cold metal on his chest.

"You okay Lu?"

"Yeah, it's just cold" Lucas chuckled lightly.

"Sorry" Plague chuckled along with him, patting his hair.

"Plague don't do that, you know what happens" Lucas whined.

When someone plays with his hair, Lucas always falls asleep. One time during high school, a girl in his class got bored and play with his hair only for him to fall asleep within a few seconds.

"Apologizes" Plague said, "Alright, turn around"

Once Lucas did as the doc said, he said, "Oh yeah, I'm going to a different doctor later this week. No offense, but I want to get a another opinion on what I should do to get rid of this cold of mine."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I want to go to work without feeling ill" Lucas smiled but that went away when he seen Plague ball up his fist, "Um, Plague? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just peachy" 

Lucas looks up only to be pushed backed down, "What are you doing?!"

"You can't go to anyone else?"

"Why not? I want to get better, not slowly. I'm sorry if this upsets you" Lucas said not understanding why Plague was doing this.

"No, you won't get better without me. No one can help you but me" Plague said, he then took something out of his lab coat.

"What is wrong with-" Lucas stopped when he felt a prick in his arm.

"Sorry Lu Lu, I can't let anyone have"

"W-What d-did you d-do?" Lucas ask before going limp.

Plague covered his mouth to muffle his laughter as his other hand ran up and down his back, feeling the smooth skin that he only dreamed of touching freely. He couldn't let another doctor touch what is his or give him the right medicine. That's right, Plague's been giving Lucas different medicine then when he comes and visit the greenette would give him something he made to make sure Lucas would come back for help. The doctor put Lucas' shirt on and walk out of his office. Everyone knows that both were friends and it wasn't the first time he carried Lucas out to take him home. Something Plague made sure of when the day comes.

Placing Lucas in the passenger side of his car with not much difficulty, Plague got in the driver side and drove to his home. Once there, the green/blue eyed male got the blonde out and carried him into his house, into his basement where he does his experiments. Laying the still unconscious boy on a bed he prepared for him and tied his arms to his sides then his legs together. Now all he has to do is wait for his little patient to wake up, for now he'll work on something for him.

About an hour passed before Lucas let out a groan and opened his eyes. When he noticed that he wasn't in Plague's office or in his home, the blonde struggled against his bindings while trying to keep calm about the situation and not have a panic attack.

"I see your awake"

Lucas turn his head to see Plague staring at him with a grin that sent shivers down his spin.

"P-Plague? Wh-What's happening? Why a-am I h-here?" Lucas shook.

The greenet kneeled down and petted his hair to calm Lucas down.

"It's okay Lu Lu, no need to panic, I won't hurt you" Plague cooed.

"Why am I tied up? And why am I here?" Lucas asked when he calmed down a bit.

"You're tied up so you can't escape and you're here because I can't have go to another doctor."

"Why not?!" Lucas then noticed the equipment and liquid behind Plague, "Wh-What's that?"

"Oh that?" Plague said turning around, "Well it's something I do, have to perfect my experiments, which I did"


"Yes, I was going to do this later once I finished something, but you threw a monkey wrench in my plans, so I had to take you a bit early"

Lucas' blue eyes widened with fear, Plague seen this and petted his hair once agian to calm him.

"Don't worry, you're not going to be one of my lab rats. No, you are going to get the final results"

"No! I'm not something you can use stuff on!" Lucas screamed and struggled against his bindings.

Plague frowned and got on top of Lucas to cease some of his movement then pulled two things out of his pocket: a syringe and a small bottle.

"I'm going to give you a choice, which one?"


"Fine" Plague stuck Lucas with the syringe, "Just to let you know, this will take less time to take affect than the liquid"

Just as Plague finished, Lucas started to feel warm and uncomfortable. His mind started to cloud up to the point he could barely understand what Plague said next.

"I'm going to make sure you can't leave and continue to give you doses until you submit." Plague said, "Don't worry though, I'm not going to give you anything that I haven't perfected. As your doctor, I'm going to give you everything you need to make you better"


"Yes, ever since you got that boyfriend of yours, you've been acting differently"


"You don't talk or visit me anymore" Plague frowned, "and I know he's the reason you are going to a different doctor.

'And there's a good reason' Lucas thought, 'I wish I listened'

Lucas' boyfriend of three years told him that something was off about Plague and was very uncomfortable with him visiting him alone. He did voice his concern and Lucas agreed to go elsewhere if it help ease his worries. Now he wished that he told Plague over the phone as his boyfriend advised him to. 

"As long as I give you daily doses, you should forget about him within a month or so according to my research." Plague then started to talk to himself, "Maybe I should make you forget me so I can have a redo for your heart"

At this point, Lucas could barely focus on Plague's words before sleep consumed him.

"Don't worry, at night I'll give you your medicine. During the day, we can talk. Goodnight my patient, love you so much."


Word count: 1260

Requests remaining: 24

You Decide - Steve Saga(3) & Rainbow QuestNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ