(2) FavremyVirus Part 5

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Requested by Itzcrystall0816, DarkBlossom27LunerflareEndQueen

One-fourth into the request: I literally had no idea what to do for this part, then I got an idea that makes no one think I had no idea what to do here :D

About halfway through: Please someone request a Part 6, I have an idea!

That's my though process.


Light look at Plague with worry written across his face, "Plague, what's wrong? Why can't Sabre say anything?"

Instead of answering, the Steve set Sabre on his feet and turned him around quickly so the human had no time to do anything.

"Sabre, please, listen to me" Plague said in a begging voice that made the brunet look at him, "What did he do to you? What is it that you have to do?"

Sabre looked away, closing his eyes as though he was preparing for something to happen.

Plague cursed under his breath and pushed the human to Light, "Get him out of here, now"

"What about you?" Light caught the human and looked at the other confused, "Didn't you say if you have physical contact with him then he'll be Sabre again?"

"That was until I remembered he was a human!" Plague groaned out as he ran a hand through his hair, "Light, Virus didn't alter his code, he replaced it with an altered copy so the original is elsewhere. Him talking is a big part of who he is, alternating ones mindset is simple, altering the way someone speaks is another story. If I get my hands on the original, I can fuse it back with him and the copy would be destroyed, that's the only way we can get our Sabre back"

Light nodded, "Okay, got it, mostly, but what about the others?"

"They'll be fine, they may have an army, but we got a Rainbow" The halfa smirk before the serious expression returned, "They'll be fine Light, Sabre is our priority. Make sure you're not seen by anyone"

(There's a reference to one of my favorite movie series above, any guess?) 

"What about you?"

"I need to find the original code, it's nearby" 

Sabre remained still in the white Steve's arms, watching/listening to the conversation by the two beings. Pulling Sabre closer, Light look at Plague with unsure amethyst eyes. He didn't want to leave him behind, he didn't want to leave anyone behind. Noticing this, Plague raised his hand to brush some of Light's hair out of his face.

"I'll be fine snowflake" Plague smiled softly, "We'll be fine, just do as I say and everything will be fine, I promise"

As a last reassurance, the Steve kissed Light's head for a few seconds before pushing both him and the brunet towards the door, signaling for them to go. With one last look, Light ran out with Sabre who was confused about this whole situation.

"Now that they're gone" Plague glanced at a wall and glared, "Time to deal with you motherf*****"

Appearing from the wall was Virus, not a minion in any way, this is the real one unlike the one outside fighting the rest of his friends and family.

"So you're the halfa?" Virus chuckled, "Of course, only a virus can sense a virus. I must say, that conversation between you and your little boyfriend was cute"

Plague had a deadpan expression, "He's my brother idiot, adopted, but still my brother. Now, as an apology, you can give me Sabre's original code"

"While I do apologize, I won't be giving you anything but a chance to give me back the human" Virus glared, "That Steve won't get far before my minions catch him and I can't guarantee he'll come out unscratched."

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