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FavremySabre x Orange Steve

Rainbow Quest

Requested by MelissaC3000

Short and sweet


Orange gulped at the height of the tower leading to where Indigo is. As of now he was getting cold feet for showing Sabre where Indigo Steve lives and wanted to back out as fear gripped him. Unfortunately, the human was persistent and manage to get Orange to climb the tower. They had gotten pass mid-way when Orange froze.

"S-Sabre, I don't think I can make" Orange said scared, he was too afraid to move.

"Come on Orange, we're almost there, we can do it" Sabre encouraged.

Orange shook his head and started to back away which was a big mistake. He had underestimated the step and slipped. The Steve's eyes widened as he started to fall, he thought this would be the end of him: death by falling down a tower is how he'll end.

Though instead of falling any more, Orange felt himself being grabbed by Sabre and was pulled in his chest. The Steve let out a shaking breath as he clutch onto Sabre's chicken onesie while the human whispered comforting words to him.

"It's okay Orange, I'm not going to let you fall" Sabre said rubbing the shanked Steve's back, "I'm here, I'm here"

"S-Sabre" Orange said once he got his breathing under control, "I-I don't t-think I can c-continue. I'm t-too s-scared"

"Orange, close your eyes" Sabre said.


A few seconds after Orange closed his eyes, he heard shuffling of fabric then felt someone wrap around his head.

"You can look"

When the Steve opened his eyes, he realized there was something over his eyes. He could see color, but not objects or people. Looking at Sabre, Orange noticed there was not any black on his head.

"I-Is this your-"

"Come on, let's get to the top" Orange felt Sabre grab his hand and guided him slowly up the rest of the way.

"Sabre, why did you give me your bandanna?" Orange not once seen Sabre without it since they met, he thought it meant a lot to him.

Sabre was quiet for a moment before he spoke, "I use it to not see things I don't want to. One way you can see out of, the other you can barely. I seen a lot of stuff before I came to this world, a lot of stuff I wish I could unseen."

"But why did you give to me? I thought it's important to you"

"It is, it hides something I don't want anyone to see." Sabre said, "But, you needed it more than me at the moment."

"Thanks Sabre" Orange smiled.


Once they reached the top of the tower, Orange was about to take off the bandanna to give it back to Sabre when the human stopped him.

"I said it hides something I don't want anyone to see" Sabre reminded.

Nodding, the orange-haired Steve turned see he wasn't face Sabre so he could untie the bandanna without looking at Sabre.

"Now, let's met this Indigo Steve" Sabre smiled with his bandanna back on and jump through the portal followed by Orange.

Since that day, every time they had to climb a great amount of height, Sabre would give Orange his bandanna then guide him by the hand which the Steve was grateful for. Over time, his fear of heights faded, but he never said anything to the human. Orange likes it when Sabre would put his bandanna on him then held his hand as they climb. He enjoyed the feeling of when Sabre would hold his hand, he flet as though his fear disappears in an instance and could do what he sets his mind to.

As long as he had Sabre, he wasn't scared of standing up.


Word count: 630

Requests remaining: 27

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