Chapter 65

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I thought about what Dean said all day. This was nearly impossible. How could my feelings for Seth be do strong only to find out they weren't real?

I had to figure this out. I walked through the halls of the Raw arena. Tonight should be interesting considering Bray's surprising return.

I guess I thought too soon as I look up to see him walking down the hall. He looked up at me with an evil smile plastered on his face and I froze.

He walked over to me slowly. I should've been running for the hills, but instead I was frozen like an idiot.


Not this again.

"What do you want, Bray?"

"Long time, no see."

"Yeah, not since you kidnapped me!" I snapped.

He cackled. "You should be careful, Abigail. I'm older. Stronger. Terrifying."

I backed away. "I'm not scared of you." I lied.

He laughed again. "Really?" He asked and continued laughing. All of a sudden, he stopped laughing and his expression got hard and cold. His eyes narrowed on me. "You should be."


I instantly recognized Seth's voice behind me, but Bray kept his gaze focused on mine. Seth came to his side.

"I'll take care of it." He said.

Bray's eyes were locked on mine, but he nodded and retreated.

Seth turned back to me.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"You don't have to thank me. I'll kill him if I have to."

"Are you guys working together?"

"No." He said quickly.

"Sure seems like it."

"He works for the authority, Charlie. He'd like to get on the authority's good side. You should too."

"I don't give a shit about the authority." I said coldly and pushed past him.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around. "What's with the attitude?"

"Attitude?" I threw my hands up in the air. "I don't know, Seth. Bray's back. The baby's on it's way. You, Dean, and Roman want a chance. AJ and I have barely talked in weeks. I lost my title and have been out of work. And on top of that, I'm being forced to make the toughest decision of my life and decide who I want to be with and I know that if I choose, I'll lose two of you. And life used to be easy, but now it's so screwed up I can't even deal with it. So yeah, Seth. I think I'm entitled to have an attitude." I yelled. "I can't be a mom, Seth. I can't even be a good girlfriend. I am just so sick of everyone expecting something from me. I am one person. I can't be a superhero and just decide. It's not that easy, Seth. You guys are counting on me. AJ's counting on me to be a best friend. And now I'm gonna have a child counting on me, Seth. I'm 20 years old. I'm not ready for this. Any of this. I can't......I.....I just can't."

Tears poured out of my eyes and Seth brought me into his arms.

He held me close and brushed his hands through my hair. "It's okay."

"No it's not. It's not okay."

"You're gonna be a great mom, Charlie. Since when do you not want to be."

"I do. Just not now. I can't have another human depending on me when all this mess is going on."

"We're gonna help you. I promise you." Seth said. "No matter how much Dean and I hate each other, we'll help."

"No, don't tell me that, Seth. It's all gonna go back to you and him both loving me and I can't take another fight happening over me."

"We've been fighting over you for the past 5 months. What's different?"

"Nothing's different. I don't want this and I never did."

"Sure seemed like it." He said before walking away.

I sighed and continued on down the hallway. I met AJ in catering and sat down next to her. We turned our attention to the TV to see Dean while eating our food.

He was.....oh no......he was calling out Bray.

"WHERE IS BRAY WYATT!?" He yelled, approaching the ring furiously. "I don't do magic tricks. I'm not much for smoking mirrors. I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE! So Bray Wyatt, why don't you come out here so I can kick your ass!" He threw the microphone down the the ground and angrily paced in the ring.

Bray's creepy titantron image came on and he appeared backstage with smoke. It was dark and I couldn't tell where he was.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. "We have to find him." I said, getting up.

"What!? Why?" AJ asked.

"We have to, AJ. I'll explain later."

"Charlie, the guy's after you and now you wanna play hide and go seek with the killer?"

"Are you gonna help me or not?" I asked.

She stayed silent, but stood up.

"......this world is not made for us." I could hear Bray faintly say.

"He's somewhere around, AJ."

I looked around. We were in a dark hallway with no one around. He had to be here. Frankly, I didn't know why I was so eager to find him. But this was my fault. Bray's after Dean because of me. The least I could do is stop him myself.

"What happens next? What happens next? You tell me!" Bray's voice seemed closer as I got closer. "But understand that I am not your brother and I am not your friend."

I could hear Bray like he was in the next room, but I couldn't see anything.

"AJ?" I asked, making sure she was still there.

No answer. Great. She knew this was a bad idea. I guess I had to do this on my own.

"I know you.....because....I am you." Bray said. "I'm going to dismantle your mind." I could just imagine Dean's schemish face as Bray says this. I take another step then hear. "Run Abigail."

Oh goodness. I didn't know where he was, but he knew exactly where I was. I assumed he was still doing his promo and Dean was probably freaking out in the ring.

"Run Dean." I heard him say. "Run."

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