Chapter 53

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A few days passed. I hadn't done much. Just spent a little time to myself. No drama can go a long way. I missed Seth sand Dean, but I was somewhat glad they were gone.

"Wanna hang out today?" AJ asked, plopping down next to me.

"Of course."

We went to a movie and totally overdosed on buttery popcorn. We watched the corniest chick flick ever just so we could make fun of it afterwards.....which we did.

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Can you give me a ride?" I asked.

She nodded, "Sure, C."

We went back to the hotel and watched non stop episodes of The Walking Dead until I finally crashed on the couch.

I woke up the next morning and AJ drove me to my doctors appointment. I was informed that the baby looked extremely healthy and that I was doing very well. I heard stress was bad on a pregnancy, so I was relieved when everything was alright.

When we went back to the hotel, there was a box by the door. I knelt down by it. It was from Dean.

I opened it slowly to see a bundle of red roses. I smiled.

"Dean or Seth?" She asked.


She smiled in satisfaction. I admired the roses and brought them inside.

Maybe space wasn't good for Dean and I. I mean......he was the father of my baby. I decided to call him.

"Hey." He answered quietly.

"Thanks for the flowers." I said.

"No problem. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl. I guess it was just my way of saying sorry for......everything."

"You don't have to apologize, Dean. It's my fault."

He sighed. "We need to talk."

"I can't"

"Yes you can." He said firmly. "You have to."

I sighed. I guess talking to him wouldn't be that bad. I mean.....we were in a relationship once. It seemed way easier to talk to him then. "Meet me at the diner down the street at 7." I said. "And this is not a date." I quickly added.

AJ raised her eyebrows at the mention of dates.

"It's a long story. I'll explain later." I said before walking out the door.

I drove down to the diner down the street from the hotel. I was kinda nervous about this little visit with Dean, but I guess it had to happen if anything was gonna get better.

Then......I saw him.

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