Chapter 30

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My eyes fluttered open. I was lying down on Seth's in his hotel room. I was guessing he took me to his room after I fell asleep. I noticed his arm was wrapped around me. I smiled. Then I realized I was kind of chilly. I pressed the sheets against my chest and realized that it was bare. Oh no! I seriously couldn't have been this out of it. I didn't have anything to drink or anything.

I turned over. "Seth?" I asked.

His eyes shot open. "Was it as good as I think it was?"


"What?" I asked, a little calmer than I meant it.

"Last" He said.

"We didn't." I said.

"Oh.....we did." He smirked.

I panicked, "How? I told you no."

He shrugged, "I know." I panicked even more and looked at Seth with utter disgust. "Did you.....did you drug me? Did you rape me?"

"Wouldn't be the first time." He said, then laughed uncontrollably.

I panicked and tried to get away, but he grabbed me and pinned me under him.

"Oh sweetheart, you're not going anywhere." He said before he started roughly kissing my neck.

"NO!" I screamed. "NOOOOOOO!"

My eyes shot open. My head shot up. I was trying so hard to catch my breath. I looked around. I was in Seth's room. I looked next to me to see him snoring on the side of me, fully clothed.

I noticed I was also fully clothed. It was just a dream. Thank goodness.

I collapsed back against the pillows and looked at Seth's cutie pie face, sleeping next to me. I may or may not have taken a few adorable pics on my phone.

I posted one on Twitter and captioned it. "My little sleeping Ninja." Then I tagged him and posted.

Then I remembered that no one knew about Seth and I. In fact, in most fans' minds, think there was still a Dean and I. Uh oh....Dean! This was on Twitter. People were gonna see it and post it.....EVERYWHERE! I honestly didn't want Dean finding out about me and Seth over a social media post.

I quickly deleted it.

"Hey." He said, making me jump.

"Oh, hi." I said.

"I have a feeling you took pics of me." He said.

"You saw?"

He smirked cutely. "What do you wanna do today babe?

"I told you, Seth. AJ's taking me to the ultra sound." I said sadly.

"True, true. Well.....maybe we can hang out when you get back." He said. "Are you finding out what it is today?"

"It's a human, I think we've all clarified that." I said sarcastically.

"With Dean, you never know."

I laughed, "Well, hopefully my baby isn't born half baby half lunatic."

He laughed with me. "Alright, you better get going." He said.

I got dressed and met AJ at the car.

"So, where were you all night?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

I was glad she was finally starting to accept the fact that I was happy with Seth.

"Hanging out with Seth."

"Hanging out, huh?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in suspicion.

"Yes, that's all." I said.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing that I felt uncomfortable.

We got into the car and I shut the door and finally took a deep breath. "Dreams don't mean anything, right? I mean, they're just illusions."

"What happened?" She asked.

"It's Seth." I said, shaking my own head in confusion. "I had a dream that he...."

"Oh no." She said, stopping me. "Listen, you're overthinking this."

"You think?" I asked.

"Yes." She said. "You have trust issues, C. And it's understandable. Seth and Charlie is a whole new thing and he already proved his unloyalty to the people close to him. You're overthinking about the fact that he might hurt you and raping you is the first thing your mind goes to because that's what Brian tried to do."

I sighed, "So, what should I do?"

"Stop overthinking. You should be happy with whoever you're happy with without any confusion."

I sighed, "I'm happy with Seth. I just guess that I'm so used to being his buddy that any relationship stuff just freaks me out." I explained. "Like yesterday, we were making out and it was going really far, but not that far. But I totally freaked out, AJ. I didn't know why."

"Charlie, you really just need to calm down about him, alright?" She asked. "Do you honestly think he'd do anything to hurt you?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No! Not at all."

"Then he won't. You have better judgement than you look." She said.

I chuckled, "Thanks. Although I'm not sure if that was a compliment."

We got to the ultra sound appointment early and managed to get in early. I sure wasn't complaining. The sooner I got in, the sooner I got out and got to spend time with Seth.

"You're starting to show." The doctor said.

I smiled. "Really?"

The doctor starting putting some gel on my stomach. It was a cold, sticky substance.

She showed me the monitor. My eyes widened as I saw a little head. It wasn't big. It was actually really tiny.

"We can actually tell what it is. Would you like to know?" The doctor asked.

"You can tell this early?" I asked.

"Apparently so."

"Well of course. I'd love to know." I said, excitedly.

"Okay...." The doctor anticipated. "It's a.........

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