𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

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The Beauty of Blossoms

Walking hand in hand through the paths of sakura, Jungkook realizes this: The beauty of blossoms could never touch yours.


Walking hand in hand through the paths of sakura, Jungkook realizes this: The beauty of blossoms could never touch yours.

I’m going to marry her.

One mile, he spends remembering the best of your past. Shared experiences, laughter, and growth, form a foundation he can trust in and build strong walls from that will weather any storm.

One mile, he loses to your charm. Your beauty brings value to his days and has opened Jungkook's eyes to the wonders around him that he had slept through for too long.

Jungkook beams, seeing you stop for a bag of cotton candy, its puffy clouds your favorite color. Candy caught up on your gentle fingers offer to him, and when he tastes its sweetness, it has nothing on your kiss, and so he samples those as well. Jungkook is sure you are the sweetest pleasure.

"You're beautiful," Jungkook says, careful to watch for the way your smile spills at his love.

It's in the way your laugh runs laps through his mind, the care of your touch, and the way sunlight shines over your hair like a halo. Your lips are silk on him and speak only kindness. Jungkook loves you so much he ignores the stick of your gloss.

“Let me hold your hand. I want to hold you.” A petal lands on his lips, and as he wipes, he thinks, she is softer.

The last mile catches him dreaming of the future. Maybe there will be children's names full of character. Maybe, you'll have a long dining table with room for all.

Jungkook lingers by a stand selling bouquets, wondering if he should buy one for what comes next. Setting down the flowers, he apologizes softly with a bow and runs to catch up, never wanting to fall behind or be away. You're more than any bloom anyway.

Jungkook pulls close enough to smell your perfume over the light scent of blossoms and thinks How nice to be your scent, coming alive pressed against your chest, existing in its best form only over you. He can relate.

By its end, you find yourselves far from the festival’s crowd, carried away by all of your devotion and delight.

“Come? Just a little off the path with me?”

You’d follow him to the moon, a row of trees over is nothing. “What is it?”

Jungkook's eyes try to take everything in, but he'll only remember you. “Marry me. Tell me you want to spend the rest of your life with me.”

“The rest of this one and every one after.”

Jungkook has to force his smile together and quickly lick his lips before bringing them to yours. It’s a kiss unmeasurable. His attempt to convey how your answer has made him the happiest man ever to exist makes your heart skip and race all at once to where your hands hold his shoulders to keep you steady. His lips are petal-soft and pink as they whisper quiet prayers and promises to yours.

It’s your eyes that connect next, wholly, and deep as your bodies sink to the ground. Fingers graze before they leave to gather the flow of your dress at your front. Slowly, you straddle Jungkook, the drop a foot’s length, containing all the love and hope of his three miles, your past, the present, and the future more beautiful than any blossom. They fall on to his form, sitting at his shoulder, decorating his hair. Jungkook sits on a bed of petals, but they’re not there. Views people travel the world over to see are nothing compared to the man that wants to be yours, now between your legs, and forever. He feels real under your touch and settling into your core, just not quite yet.

Working down the buttons on your shirtdress, Jungkook only knows love. He can’t remember the taste of sadness or bitterness- only you. Pulling your covering slowly down your shoulders, exposing your chest to the early-evening and his eyes, Jungkook knows he is the luckiest and kisses across the top of their creamy expanse while your hands tug in his hair.

Something about knowing his lips will be yours, and yours alone forever makes you want them without end beginning immediately. You only pull away from their petal pink when you realize they are swollen, shiny, and as insatiable as you. Jungkook holds at your back as his mouth drags down the sensitive stretch of your neck. You grind against him at the feeling of his warm breath and wet tongue taking curves of your body to worship. Working your bra off in the back, Jungkook loses himself for a moment at the sound of your whimper.

Quickly, his hands loosen his belt and shove down his pants, his desire evident and free. Smooth strokes, he is velvet and heat, solid in your hands.

“You’re all my favorite buds and blossoms.” Jungkook’s fingers roll with your nipples between. “Open for me?”

Jungkook guides lightly from your hips as you sink his length, slow, feeling something special in the first time making love at this new stage.

"Today is perfect," you confess in his ear.

His hand pressing at your lower back, leading you in his lap is his agreeance. You want to die still moved by his palm against your skin.

His rhythm is steady, going and going more, something you appreciate about Jungkook.

"Jungkook," you beg, tender and low. "Jungkook, please."

Jungkook's blood is like fire inside and climbs higher while you tremble over him, so close and eyes focused on his handsome face, knowing it's the one you’ll get to rise to each morning and kiss each midnight sky.

Jungkook releases in warm jets to your middle, his choked whines and tighter grip pulling you along to join. You can feel your walls hug him snugger than your arms, and you flutter, bringing all of him as close and deep as possible.

Your gentle cry escapes against Jungkook’s shoulder, and he holds you safe through the last of your rise and fall. Jungkook drags his nose up and down the skin of your neck again and then switches to small kisses, feeling the extra heat radiating from your body. He thinks this is surely the best way to stay warm through cold nights and knows he’ll never need to fear loneliness or winter again. To be each other's covers is a promise he can keep.

Jungkook watches you smooth down the skirt of your dress, never more in love.

Feeling lucky, Jungkook asks for something else he's wanted as his mouth quirks into the crooked smile you cherish. “Give me your underwear?”

The question makes extra heat creep to your cheeks, and you swat at his chest.

“I’m giving you forever, what’s one pair of cotton?” You shyly bite at your bottom lip as you try to work the underwear off one leg at a time. Deciding against folding them for him, you ball them in your hand and stuff them into his pocket.

Jungkook lifts you, spinning slightly, and kisses you once more.

“You’re grinning like an idiot.”

“Who wouldn’t? You agreed to marry me. I can’t wait to tell everyone.” Feet finding earth again, you hear Jungkook’s secret to the breeze. “You make me so happy.”

The cherry blossoms in all their splendor must be jealous, you think, for they have nothing on what you hold, a love that does not burst into bloom and then fall away, but will grow forever without end.


Credits to  btsracket on Ao3🌈

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