𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗁𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝖾𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇

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Chapter 25: Author Q&A

Chapter Text

what went thru ur brain when u came up w an arranged marriage au?

99.9% of the time I'm writing what I want to read but can't find. this fic was entirely self indulgent because i always wanted to read (and this is so specific) a fic where they have a marriage that's so transactional and forced that they literally live on opposite ends of the house. two people who have what's socially and generally considered the deepest bond you can have with a person and yet it's the furthest thing from loving and intimate.

i remember when you first put out arranged you'd literally post a chapter for us everyday!! how long did it take for you to write those chapters!

Oooof. During quarantine it would take me 5/6ish hours to crank out a 10k chapter. I tried to post it around the same time everyday. When I started working again there wasn't much work to do so I could write a chapter in 8 or so hours between work and on my break and then when I started to get busier irl it took me an entire day to write but I increased the word count an additional 4-5k. The longer it took me to get chapters out the more I added to them until I was posting 20-30k word chapter updates to make it worth the wait. RIP lol. it was nuts.

Miss Obi. I've said this before in a previous chapter but hypothetically speaking: suppose there's a competition between Yoongi and Hoseok to see whose finger game is superior by having each of them finger the other's wife and seeing who cums first. So Hoseok fingers Bound!OC and Yoongi fingers Arranged!OC. Who do you think would win, and why? 😏😏

😭😭😭😭 Hoseok's better at fingering but Yoongi's better at oral. Keep in mind they're both great at adapting to new women and new experiences and their flexibility when meeting someone's needs is their best strength during sex. But their style, technique, and approach are all different. Yoongi has a much more precise nature and prefers to get to the point .. and then keep getting you there until you're begging him to stop. But Hoseok is more about overwhelming you and your senses-he has like six things going on at once and you're hyper aware of all of them. He likes to draw it out.

That being said ....... arranged!Oc

what's one of the biggest hurdles you've faced writing this 300k monster!!!!!

The great (and terrible) thing about writing fanfic is you're not releasing it in one go like a real book. People are reading it real time and you're receiving feedback and criticism and responses (if you're like me) WHILE you're still ironing out the plot. It was hard for me to keep my writing voice consistent because the fear of letting the reader down was almost crippling. There were so many times when Hoseok's characterization was swayed because I wanted to appease everyone who wanted him to be more likeable, less rough around the edges or not as "perfect" as he was throughout his redemption arc. I wanted you guys to like him sooooo bad and I had to stop myself because, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, if you guys wanted to read something you wanted to write then you would write it. But you came here for my take on things and this world the way I imagined it if that makes sense!! And that's not to be like cocky or anything, it's just a fact. Before I was a writer I was an avid reader too and I remember like the crushing moment where a character didn't respond or do something the way I wanted them to do it and I never wanted any of you to feel like that. But I had to be true to my writing voice so yeah LOL!

i feel like this is a dumb question omfgjfjfjdj but i've always been curious about this for all fic writers but do u personally read ur own works in ur free time and in this case do u reread arranged sometimes and think damn I really wrote this masterpiece LMFAO

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