Yes, of course! Why didn't I think of that!

Rico would be more than happy to help me start! And it'll be good for me to see her again. It's been forever since I've last saw her....

I've missed her so much....

Instantly image of the four foot Garrsion solider had envision my brain. Ashy grey hair the color reminding me of sliver, large circular glasses occupying her round face and lastly the confidence gleaming from her skin of a strong independent.


"Oh Erwin!" I acclaimed with joy squeezing my hand around his to feel his pulse beat from my sudden cry. "You really do have an answer for everything! Thank you!" I praised feeling as lifted as a cloud from his help, and not to mention overjoyed to once again be reunited with a friend almost like a sister....

Erwin's long face melted with ease, thick blonde eyebrows sunken like a rock in the sand with his dazzling eyes the color of the sky soften with delight......but more importantly a grin spread across his lips sealed with pleasure since the most important factor of all was that the beloved blonde girl came to him asking for help.

Since the majority of our walk was seized by a little bugger, and part of it was articulating the idea of helping out the needy, our feet had easily reached the market to purchase all the delicious items towards a man that Erwin Smith holds so high.

Before departing away from my little strong teddy bear once more I directed my attention towards the handsome blonde since a certain thought had skipped across my head like a pebble in the lake.

"Since you where so handsome and brave, Erwin." I breathed with a smile purposely leaning myself closer nearly causing our chest to collide like glaciers as my head tilted all the way back to gaze at his long face. "Would you like something special." my lips continue to smile upon the handsome blonde finding satisfaction to please his needs. "Something you particularly want?"

Erwin had lowered himself causing him to hunch down as though I was a little school girl looking up at her daddy begging him for a piggy back ride.

"On the contrary, Aurora." he breathed rather lowly and deeply sounding as attractive as the midnights wind urging my sight to be directed at his lips. "I have something greater in mind."

Erwin had raised both of his palms towards my face as he gently rested each palm against my cheeks cupping my face whole as though drinking water leaving him to lean forward parting his thin lips open where I saw white sticky salvia break thin from his departure.

Already I was feeling ease from his touch, now seeing the his dazzling blue eyes direct his attention at my entrance only heated my cheeks to burn as bright as a cherry escalating my heartbeat to miss it's rhythm from the word passing my lips.

"Erwin...." I lastly breathed before feeling his tender lips gently lock against mine, feeling as though a waves tide had splash onto my flesh causing butterflies to flutter in my belly from his touch rubbing with mine.

I would be lying if I didn't say I could do this all day....

Feeling his slimly but moist mouth collide with mine felt as delicious as eating ice cream. He was so soft and full of sweetness I was getting lost from his touch squished up against me causing me to react on my feelings leaving my mouth to once again push against his massaging our flesh as one where I felt gentle rubs sprout in my veins.

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