The Devil's Lair

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Aurora's POV

"YASSS!!!" she screeched full of excitement sounding as loud and pitchy as a peacock calling hauling my body forward to force my feet to start extending making me feel as though I was tied on strings like a puppet since she continued to drag me across the halls towards the devil's lair. "I like your sense of adventure Sinclair!" she complimented with a smile as broad as a watermelon hearing such a sentence was like music to my ears since I knew from day one curiosity would kill me.

A smile warms across my lips not only pleased from her delightful compliment, but knowing Hanji was equally as excited to solve a mystery only bloomed more of a reason to call her my friend, finding myself increasing my pace so the two of us where lightly jogging to the devil's lair and oddly enough there wasn't a single stung of pain blasting in my lower back......

Swiftly the two of us had reached the end of the hall, where there was only one entrance that tilted to the left side leading us down a dark dimmed hallway lit with a few lanterns hanging from the ceiling reminding me of a witches cave, but resting at the end of the hall stood one large wooden door with forced carving stabbed into the wood by a sharp a knife though the words looked as though someone had stabbed the wood with their last breath forming the sentence.


Once I finalized the sentence a gust of wind blows against my neck sending chills to run up my forearm as though ants where crawling up my skin from the sudden sense adventure only steps away. Excitement tingled in my fingers tips as though I placed my hand on a flame, desperate to explore and find such a secret, but the biggest sensation was that I felt my elbow being cuffed by a hand shielding my skin to inflict more curiosity to sting my bloodstream.


Just as I was able to look over my shoulder who was restraining me, I was yanked away from the hall feeling my back collide with the solid coarse wood trapping me like a mouse though giving me the privilege to see who was controlling me?

"Erwin!" I breathed from shock feeling my heart spazz out in my chest as painful as feeling a ball smash my chest from his sudden arrival, burning more wonder to ignite in my bloodstream because why was the blonde boy here, and what was he doing?

Erwin's eyes the color of sapphires remained stuck on mine dilated with focus and concern tested with concern, lifting both of his hefty arms the size of an axe to rest over my shoulders, leaning his chest forward to pin me down
like I was the middle of a sandwich parting his thin lips open to soothe the room with his handsome voice.

"Nanaba told me everything." he whispered as low as dropping a pebble in the lake I only felt heat begin to burn across my cheeks as though I was standing in the sun since not only the position produced heat to warm me up, but I could only imagine how descriptive Nanaba was.

I'm sure she did......Nanaba loves to tease and pick on me because that's our friendship and what is the pint of a friendship if you can't laugh with each other......but she knows how much I adore Erwin.

"Of course Erwin." I answer feeling my stomach start to twist and turn as though a ribbon was tied around my organ from unease starting to flourish in my veins, but more so I felt embarrassment burning in me knowing Nanaba must have exaggerated on things. "I just wanted to make sure you where alright after everything.......I can't imagine what you must have went through."

Erwin's lips as thin as an orange peel slowly lifted into a delightful grin even his pupils softened to look as mushy as mash potatoes, but sparkled like sapphires hitting sunlight from pleasure  swimming in him I nearly lost my breath how charming he looked.

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