Hand To Hand Combat

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Aurora's POV

Few Weeks Later

After a restful and stress free break it was time to return to hell's hole, but as the year was coming to an end also meant the end of the year party, but before indulging in such occasions responsibility is always first.

The following morning had occurred, and since all the cadets where used to snoozing in over the break once dawn had approached everyone had to scramble onto their feet as though the floor was made of wax, rushing as fast as they could to report on the dusty dirty field that I did not miss one bit.

My morning transitioning back to hell's dome was full of struggling and fighting looking as silly as a frog hopping from one lily pad to the next yanking my uniform to clothe my skin because all thanks to Mama's cooking and sweets more weight was distributed around my body making my uniform more tight in areas I least excepted it. Thighs, hips, bust, waist but the hardest enlargement to yank my clothes on was my buttocks. 

After vigorous rounds of tugging and yanking on my fabric feeling as though I was in a battle of tug of war the clothe had listened to my command reaching my waist, but in the process the loopholes strapped around the waist had been ripped apart as though a dog's bite had bitten through tearing off the cotton lope, but I didn't have the time to mend the fabric..... I needed to be centered on that field or else Jack will have my head.

I was sprinting out the door feeling as though I was being chased by a titan from the lack of time, I felt my heart throb back and forth against my chest pounding my rib cage from fear, cold sweat bubbled on my forehead trying to use all my stamina to reach my spot in time forcing my muscles to tighten and spazz as though I was electrocuted by lightening, but thankfully my feet reached my destination in approximate time.

Just as my foot had reached the middle of the field, Jack rammed through his cabin doors as abruptly as hearing a generate gone off and mighty as a bull, sending goosebumps to trail along my skin as though spiders where crawling up my flesh easily remembering why I didn't miss this place.

It was such a nice break from you....

Once Jack revealed his presences he started to transition himself onto the field, but as the crazy instructor walked forward I noticed he was disabled. Jack had gripped himself onto a wooden cane looking as crooked and weak as though he had a peg leg like a pirate from Lilac's attack. Jack would gradually move forward limping as though he had a broke leg making him less terrifying to see his right side of his body wrapped in bandages until my eyes reached his face. Long face, with a jawline as sharp as a knife haunted with grimness and strength he looked as terrifying as a wolf growling caused fear to prick my veins from his sight only allowing more unease to grow in my stomach the more my eyes skimmed his appearance.

I can't wait to leave this place and never come back.....

"Welcome back to hell you maggots," Jack barked as fearsome as a wolf, shooting more anxiety to cloud my vision causing my legs to quivered back and form feeling as though I was trying to balance on a piece of wood floating in the lake from fear. "Today marks six months of physical activity and labor. Now it's time to learn how to kick someone's ass!"

Hearing Jack's sentence ring through my ears as loud as a gunshot only provoked more fear to spazz in my stomach feeling as though I ate chlorine. I felt my lungs shrivel and tighten from the sudden news causing pain to stab my chest I though my lungs had been tied in a corse knot from panic. I didn't have the strength nor the courage to physically fight someone......

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