The Fall of Wall Maria

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Erwin's POV

The Day Before The Expedition.

"Smith." hollered Commander Shadis his stern voice echoing through the halls like dropping a pencil in the classroom disrupting any current conversation including mine with my fellow soliders discussing about our plans for the upcoming days off. "I need to see you in my office." he declared his coffee brown eyes solidified as fierce as a tiger I knew something large was brewing in my Commander's thoughts.

Hmm.....odd, what could he possibly want?

"Yes sir." I replied, instantly obeying his call like whistling for a horse, separating myself away from the soliders without needing to explain, as Shadis and I began our transition into his office.

It's no secret Shadis and I have our differences in the past and present, and the truth is we don't have any sort of relationship despite business, so during the walk towards his office we lingered in complete silence as though we had received detention in school. Though it gave me the chance to try and figure out what was so urgent.

I suspect Shadis may want to discuss and go over some strategies for this upcoming expedition....but it's a day before the journey....why would he want to discuss battle plans so late in advance.

Needless to say, it might be an evaluation of my performance, or a pointer.

The Commander and I had promptly reached his office as efficiently as a blink of an eye, entering to close the door behind us so that the two of us may discuss our business in a private matter.

Shadis takes a seat at the head of his table, leaving me to accompany the other side of the wood table, giving my full attention and feedback to my Commander.......though I felt a bit apprehensive knowing I'm about to be roasted like a hazelnut over an open fire from all the negative criticisms about my performance, but I tried my best not to allow my weakness to show.

"Now I've called you in here Erwin, because tomorrow we are venturing out of Shiganshina district." he began, his voice full of intenseness he sounded as powerful as a lightning bolt striking the ground, brown eyes solid and fierce as a lion about to attack a gazelle, but little did I know I was the gazelle on his next sentence.

"And we have to discuss Aurora's position."

Hearing my Commander sway my love's name into the conversation, and scanning how serious Shadis was about this meeting I knew this was going to be a disaster because every time Aurora pops up someone loses themselves from her sweetness disregarding their assignment.....and it so happens I'm the most guilty of all.

This is not going to end well.....

"I thought that endorsing Aurora's growth in her new position it would be beneficial for everyone including myself. You would feel less pressured knowing Aurora was under your wing, and your one of the very few men who have tolerance for a generous heart like hers." he calmly explained as soothing as the summer's breeze swaying through the petals of the flowers, raising his right leg to bend it at a thirty-degree angle and resting his foot on his left knee.

"Instead it was the total opposite!" unexpectedly Shadis's entire mood switches as though turning the dial on an oil lamp, to produce outrage of fire sizzled in his tongue. "You lose yourself on that field and dozens of soliders have to pay for your mistake! You act as though her life is the only one that matters, and furthermore, your performance is highly unethical and questionable." he harshly spat, hearing rage erected in his voice sounding as threatening as a wolf growling.

Siting and listening to my Commander scorch me like leaves in a firepit dribbling the bitter truth at me like constantly thumping my head with a hammer, all I could do was blink in return.
I felt rather calm despite most cases when arguing with someone especially when articulating with Shadis since he and I don't agree on many things, but this issue was more severe than I anticipated now because of one factor.

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