Harder Erwin

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Mature Content

Erwin's POV

One Year Later

Today was the day when I was turning twenty-eight, earning another year of wisdom under my skin, but as much as I enjoyed birthdays as a child today felt meaningless and ordinary because it was another day without spending it with my family, but luckily I gave myself the best gift that I could think of.

I had taken off of work tomorrow, but to allow that to happen I would have to stay later to finish up the documents for tomorrow, thus having no responsibilities tied to me.

The sun was beginning to kiss the surface displaying the day had come to an end, giving me an instant rush of joy because I managed to finish all my duties just before dinner

How lovely......I can surprise Aurora and still manage to interact with my boys, even I can read them a story before we head to bed.

Imaging such a picture, both of my sons tucked under the covers wrapped like burritos, mouths closed like locks, sockets gazing upon me sparkling with fascination and using their ears to listen to the tale, I smiled from joy bringing back the memories when I was their age.

Father would read to me every night before going to bed, and I treasured every moment because time felt like it stood still hearing his calming voice narrator the story........

I just want to give my boys the same feeling of love.

The more I thought about tonight the more ease filtered in my veins, stimulating more excitement to arouse me to arrive home so I could enjoy my family........but I had a visitor who did one better.

My wife had entered the room wearing one of my trench coats colored in dark green looking as silly as a little girl wearing her mother's clothes since the measurements of the coat ate her entire body like a stork engulfing a fish. The sleeves reached to her hips, while her chest was stapled with pins to shield her breast, noticing she had to use a string to tie the fabric around her ankles like a knot, providing instant pleasure from her sudden arrival, but staring upon the oversized coat consuming her like a puppy wearing a full sized leash was awfully adorable.

"Happy birthday my love" Aurora giggled as lovable as hearing a hamster squeak, her lips full like a plum shined into a smile as radiant as the morning sun exposing her teeth white as pearls I never wanted to stop looking at her elegance. "I thought we could celebrate here!" she began, shifting herself closer to my desk to set aside the basket full of treasures down on the floor. "I made pizza! One is margherita style and the other has sausage, onions and peppers! Oh and I also brought beer for us to drink!"

Hearing the optimism and excitement tuned in my wife's reply to sound as cheery as a songbird in the morning soothed delight to arouse me, growing a smile along my lips dazzled from her surprise, but I longed to see my sons.

"Darling what a wonderful surprise....but what about our sons? Shouldn't we spend time with them?"

Aurora continued to shine a bright smile along her lips as captivating as the sunrise itself, using her hands to start unbuttoning the trench coat layering her skin, until the fabric plummeted to her ankles to expose her creamy white skin without a single fabric in place.

Gazing upon my wife's curves looking as exquisite as though she was a marble statue , I felt my heart escalate from the change of events, feeling desire and lust thicken my bloodstream as vicious as a wasp sting, and I craved a feeling that has been buried for too long......softness.

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