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Erwin's POV

My dear sweet Aurora had nearly lost her life to a monstrous eating titan and surviving such a nightmare she has the battle scar to remind her of the traumatizing situation, a broken arm...

To heal this scar she had to sustain an open arm surgery where the doctor was compelled to mend her bones back into place along with using rods and screws aiding her arm to heal properly.....

During the entire surgery, all I felt was stressed and worried because all I could do was cowardly sit by her bedside holding her hand, as she had to fight this battle alone, without any of my assistance..... but after so many years of being with this woman I've learned so many beautiful things about her, and one of them is her determination.

It's her factor that excels her to withstand traumatic situations fighting through them, and she manages to still gleam a smile full of happiness and sweetness...

My loving bride had finished her surgery with no complications only to release some agonizing groans, and I couldn't possibly feel most uplifted and high knowing this was one step to being healed......

If I had the knowledge and understanding of the medical terminology, I wouldn't have hesitated to operate on beloved bride because my procedures are precise towards any obstacle I face, but I would guarantee Aurora more safety because I'm the one supervising.....maybe in a different life where I felt free and justice, I would have chosen that road....but alas my world is full of mysteries and dark secrets that I am desperate to know, and I want to be that man that uncovers the truth and changes history.

Once Aurora had passed out like a newborn, I immediately aided her as best I could under the circumstances, organizing and comforting my beloved beauty as my hands gently treated my love just as sacred as a princess.

Dr.Nightengale had insisted I as well needed the rest and leave Aurora for the night since I had endured more damaging images and rusheeds than her.

Though Clara had some sympathy with my position knowing how much I was protective over my little swan, she had to rationally explain to me the medical side effects of not allowing my brain and body to relax and find peace. This only causes the human body more stress and can revolve to many variations such as sickness and illness.

Starting from my head all the way to my toe pain was scorching in me like millions of wasps, but my most troubling strain was toward's Aurora's safety it was the worst possible feeling draining my energy the most...

As much as I wanted to stay by my lover's side throughout the whole night the doctor had convinced me with her wisdom and logics that I needed to allow my body the rest, so I can have the energy and strength to keep fighting.......but sadly I should haven't been so weak and submit to my exhaustion of being tired.

I had obeyed the doctor's order as easily as eating whipped cream, making my way towards my dorm brutally exhausted not even having the energy to take a shower and change......

I removed my shoes and flung my body on my mattress as I pass out from exhaustion......only yet to be disturbed in a few short hours by loud footsteps and petrifying cries that reminded me of my lover when she's in danger.

Hearing how hurtful those cries of terror were instantly caused my body to awaken as though flickering on a light switch since the cry was so helpless and attractive at the same time.

Awoken from my slumber curiosity was driving me mad wondering who would be up this late, and why exactly was such a beautiful voice would be crying for help.

The moment I saw my beloved in danger instantly urged all my senses to be concentrated on her safety and focus on her needs.....but once I figured out the whole situation knowing Aurora was nearly raped, I reacted on my instincts of anger and wrath......and there is a reason why I don't rely on these two emotions as much.

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