Goodbye Grandmother

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Erwin's POV

One Week Later

After many terrible nights of heavy rain storms, thundering, and lightning all of this vicious weather had transformed into hail as sturdy as flying rocks, assembling my wife's favorite season... winter. Snow had decided to make an appearance as light and creamy as adding whip cream on top of ice cream, coating the city in purity and when the sun came out everything smothered in snow would glitter and sparkle like an evening star only wishing I could stay in resting by the fire drinking holding a stiff drink while cuddling my love ones close.

Though the city shimmered with life from the holiness of white, I only felt misery and despair eat me up as painfully as vultures tearing me apart into pieces because everyone from my bloodline was dead.......and today I was hoping to gain some closure to resolve all my suffering.

Grandmother's funeral.

Edwin was toppled over my shoulder like carrying a sack of potatoes, bundled up in warm fuzzy blankets he even had mittens and a cap to maintain warmth looking as adorable as a baby bear from all his coverage. Aurora on the other hand held our newborn cuddling him as loving and gentle as eggs resting in a nest wearing a smile as breathtaking as a rainbow, accompanying me to a funeral where every step I took I felt as though I was walking on needles from numbness conquering my flesh.

I just can't believe how quickly time had passed......

I remembered coming from training to see Mrs.Sinclair and Grandmother cooking in the kitchen preparing us a tasty meal, or the times Father was alive and there was always fresh bread and pastries coming home from school.

Even though Grandmother was stubborn as a bull.....I am gonna miss her because she was there for me after Father had passed and was there ever since.

Loyalty is a value I treasure.......since it's a gem to find in humans.

My chest started to cramp all over feeling as though I had taken a bullet from the constant pain bullying the rest of my body to ache all over as though every single bone in me was shattered from sorrow, and the more my mind dwelled on the past my heart continued to weep from sadness knowing I'll never see her again until I meet death.

"Gaaagaa." giggled Edwin as adorable as hearing a little pink oinking feeling his tender body rise from my shoulder blade to expose his chubby face as full as a cream puff, witnessing his icy blue eyes start to scan his surroundings like a hawk pulling me out from my misery to see my son's sudden attraction.

Edwin once more giggled in happiness sounding like a little toot honked from a train smiling as dazzlingly as the morning sun, while reaching out one of his arms as chunky as a block of cheese towards the air open, using his palm as a trap to catch falling snowflakes encouraging ease to drift into my veins.

How precious....

Moments like these make this life worth living.

Edwin continued to laugh as sweet as honey, using his fingers as stuffed and packed like sausages to open and close in the motion of squeezing a ball. His pupils surged with fascination as large as a coin intrigued by the world around reminding me of the same interest as a kitten playing with yarn, drawing me into a daze to watch his attraction to stimulate more ease to float in my veins.

We live in a world where sometimes we don't make it until twenty years old.....or even earlier than that. Some babies die in childbirth, or others have dreadful endings such as being stolen or rapped. Some endings are controllable , but others are not.

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