Scenario 4: Finally Back

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Apologizing for not being gone too long, sorry you guys. It's been crazy this year, and stressful, but we get their. Just a quick question who has play Obey me! Shall we date? Game? Let me know on the comments!:) I've been too obsessed. with this game.

     I know been gone too long, or maybe he didn't know my absence seems he always sleeping neither does he knows I've been in Devildom. As I tiptoe to my room carefully so he won't notice my presence seems he was sleeping on the couch next to window. I let soft sigh "where you going?" Shit! I've been caught. "Uhh... hi Shu-san" I said as he sit up oh~ that definitely is not a good sign. "Where have you been?" He ask "around" I said not making eye contact, but his blue eyes wearing so captivating that made me look at him. "Not enough" he stand up that wasn't good "tell me" he demanded a answer. "I was Devildom" I said "Devildom....ahh with those demons of yours" he said and look at me coming forward.
      I was froze in my spot "did you tell them who you belong to?" He said serious "no?" Said with a question and he grab my hand with his "well let me remind you again shall we...?" He push me to the wall "holly-" he bit my wrist "it hurts!" I try to push him, but no use. "You're mine...mine..." and I feel that darkness to take me.

      "Devildom?" Reiji ask as we were drinking a cup of tea and catching up in what I was been doing. "Yeah, its a fancy word for hell" I said "mmm? How was your adventure there?" He ask "the school there is quite interesting as the school here, but with demons than vampires you know? The Demon King is not so bad" I said "well next time you disappear.." and my body began to feel wierd oh shit... "did you-?" Its burning "I see its taking effect how about we loose this tension that its building" and began to loose his tie "uh..." and feel that sensation of pleasure.

      "You know Ayato-kun you remind of someone from my little adventure in Devildom" I said as I was making him takoyaki for being gone for too long. "Mmm? Me?" He ask he was munching on one. "Yep, Mammon as he calls himself 'The Great Mammon'" I said "aree~? I don't like being compared to anyone" he said pissed "Uh...I'm sorry" and than I was pressed in the counter "wha-""hope about I bit you as the apology for comparing ore-sama to some lowlife human" he said in my ear "he's not-" he bit my neck. Why do I keep getting into this punishment.

    I was in the couch doing some crosswords seems most of the brothers left for school. Reiji left me in charge of the house, so I didn't mind the peace. "Ehhh is Sensei~" my body react as I stand up from the couch "Laito" I said as he was arms crossed on the small table "Sensei~ where have you been all this time~ I was waiting for your returned" he said with a tin blush "for what?" Than he was next to me touching my hair "how about I show you~?" I raise an eyebrow "no" I said backing away "but sensei~" and was next to me. "Let  me... have your blood" and sniff into my neck "Laito stop!" He push me to the wall harshly "nooope" and bit into my expose neck "Laito! You pervert!!" I pushed him or try.

   "Teddy don't you think that Lolita has beem gone for too long?" I turned to see Kanato with Teddy "oh hi Kanato-kun" and grab the gift "here its a milk buffoegg bobba tea" and he smell "its strange" and I smile "is from Devildom" I said "Devildom...?" He ask "yeah its like hell, but for demons" I explain "demons...? Lowlife demons who took you away so long" oh "uhh I was visiting them, but-""shut up! Did you not know that you belong to us!" Sheesh I'm gonna get killed in this house, definitely. "Look-" and push me down on the floor "oof Kanato!" I said so suprise "you're mine...minee" and bit into my neck same spot as mostly the brothers bit me. "Kanato!" I yelp "your blood is so sweeet and delicious....ahh so good my sensei~" and I close my eyes to embracing the pain.

My tsundere boy where you at!? As I walk to the garden that he loves to take care with so much heart. "Subaru~" I ask as I walk in circles until I hear snoring. "Zzz...." and I saw him sleeping in bushes. "Subaru-kun....?" Poking in the cheek so soft. Than he grab my hand and his two different color eyes stared at me "uh..." and he pulled me close to him. "You've been bad, Lolita" he said with a smirk and sniff my hair "mmm you smell different why?" I gulp "I was at Devildom" I said "never hear that name" he said got closer "doesn't matter you're mine and that's that" he said sinking his fangs into my neck. I wince in pain "argh it hurts!" I yelp as he push me more closed "enjoy my bite as much I would enjoy your're mine, Lolita" and I feel a terrible headache which cause me to pass out.

Well I'm back! The second part would be tomorrow for now enjoy this start. I used some of Obey me!  Shall we date? All the credit goes to them:) Let me know whose you're favorite demon brother.


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