Start from the beginning

When she looked down at Diana, all she could ever think about was how much she loved her and wanted to protect her which was why she had to come to terms with the fact that they might have to let her go if she had a chance to survive.

Her ears then picked up on the sound of her husband speaking, her attention always going straight towards him whenever he was close by. "I can't help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because I fell in love with a witch." He told Carlisle.

"You found your mate. You deserve to be happy." Carlisle assured him. "And they understand that."

Edward shook his head, "But, what what cost?" He questioned his father.

"Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do." Carlisle responded, immediately looking over at Esme, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice who were all standing close by towards each other by the fire while they listened to everyone speak.

Edward looked back towards the tent where his wife and daughter were laying, making eye contact with Lilith who winked at him while continuing to stroke Diana's hair to lull her. Edward smiled, "Carlisle, I've never thanked you for this extraordinary life."

Carlisle didn't say anything back but sent his son a smile back, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. He didn't need to say anything back, he knew that Edward was grateful for everything Carlisle had done for him—even much so when he met Lilith.

Lilith pressed a kiss to her daughter's blonde hair, "You know I love you so much, right?" She asked Diana, feeling her nod her head as she cuddled closer towards Lilith. "Okay, good, because tomorrow I might have to ask you to go and stay with your Aunt Bella and Lorelei, and I need you to do that for me."

"And where will you and papa go?" She heard Diana murmur, practically seeing her green eyes tear up and her lip curl downwards.

"Papa and I are going to go... on a mission." The newborn told her daughter, trying to not make it sound as daunting as it could possibly be. "But, I promise you that you will be safe and that papa and I will make our way back to you."

Diana held up her tiny little pinky finger, having seen Lilith and Edward do it all the time and picked up the habit, "You promise?" She looked up at Lilith.

Lilith smiled and linked her pinky, "I promise. Now go to sleep, baby." Diana cuddled back into Lilith's chest and within minutes she was fast asleep, having already been exhausted from the day and from Lilith keeping her up that tiniest bit longer to have that small conversation with her.

She pulled out a small locket from her pocket and opened it up, smiling at the photo that it held of her and Edward on their wedding day before slipping it into Diana's jumper pocket. She was certain that she and Edward would get to Diana but with how long until that time came still up in the air, she wanted her daughter to have something to remember them by.

"I love you more than my own life." She whispered to her and pressed a kiss to her hair before letting her lay asleep on her. Even if Diana didn't hear her, Lilith just needed to have known she said it to her daughter in case she wouldn't have the chance again. Lilith heard the sound of leaves crunching and smelt her husband's scent nearing the tent, letting her know he was making his way over towards her and Diana after his conversation with Carlisle. Moments later, he poked his head inside before climbing in.

"How was your talk with Carlisle?" She asked him as he laid down beside her, taking a quick glance to see that Diana was still asleep and hadn't woken up from Edward or herself.

"It was good, baby. I felt like I had lifted a weight off of my chest." Edward admitted. He felt as if the last little bit that was holding him back from living a good eternal life with this family had been broken and he could move forward now that he had spoken through it with Carlisle. Edward had finally let go of the resentment towards Carlisle for turning him—he had let go of it the moment he met Lilith, even more so when he had his family—and he needed to let Carlisle know that.

He had no reason to resent him anymore for it because it brought him Lilith and Diana. Even if Carlisle knew through Edward's actions, Edward needed to tell him either way otherwise he would regret never telling him if things went the the way they didn't want it to. "That's good." She said softly.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked her this time and she nodded, "We're one day away from the rest of our lives and there's a lot to process."

"I just have to remember that all of this won't just be for nothing." Lilith told him. "In the end Diana will be safe which is what we want to happen, but, everything else is so up in the air that it makes me nervous."

"Then we hope for the best outcome to be our only outcome." He assured her. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again, "You know I love you, right?"

The newborn vampire turned her head to look up at him, almost offended that he would ask such a thing, "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" They had been through so much together and he had stuck by her side through a lot, of course she knew he loved her.

"I just needed to make sure you knew, I wouldn't want anything to happen and regret knowing that I didn't say it." He told her and Lilith gave him a smile and leaned over to kiss him, "There aren't enough words in the universe to express how deeply I feel for you, but I'll start with I love you."


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